2 1/2 hour log in?

Can you force transfer any new players that have joined in the past month? Our whole guild paid money to come to our server because our old server died. Now us vets are being forced into queues while new subs are overtaking our server. It isnt right.

The good ol’ coal powered computater.

I was on Bene since the start of classic vanilla though

While this hasn’t been a problem for me I asked myself this question when it was announced. They know things are going to spike at launch, so why in the world would you shut down so many servers and allow players to pack onto already loaded servers?

Yes players get a bit of blame for all wanting to pile onto the same server, but at the same time Blizzard has the metrics, they can see how many players are going where. They can also see how many would be there if they came back so the brakes should have been thrown on several of these servers from day one.

Normally I don’t feel to bad for players but Blizzard created this one by shutting servers down and letting players go to already well populated servers. That doesn’t even get to the players that have been there this entire time and now have seen this thing balloon. Why should they be expected to take the jump, even more so if community is supposed to be as much of a priority as Blizzard states.

At the end of the day absolutely no one is going to take the jump to an underpopulated server simply because they don’t want to find themselves paying to move back where they came from a few months prior. This same song and dance has been happening for nearly 2 decades and Blizzard still hasn’t gotten a grasp on the reality that at a certain point you gotta take the nuclear option and just close the door, and you need to do it before it even gets close to creating this issue.

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Incorrect. Server racks can be added without taking the server offline and are ran through 3 different types of data control. SAN, NAS, and DAN. Blizzard is most likely using DAN (diret connected).

They literally can add more “space” to the server and they have noted that they can, but they do not want to spend the money as DAN is the most expensive type of server, but is the most effective.

Awesome post by Mispeled on this topic in the CC:

why would anyone transfer to these servers where old blanchy has less then 500 active raiders horde and alliance combine and people transferring there would hurt their AH markets. Sulfuras has almost no alliance and no more than 1000 people on the server. those are jokes of server choices they gave

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Old Blanchy needs to be taken out to pasture and turned into glue.

What a dog%*$( solution

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MVP status will be removed for trolling

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What about those of us that rolled here on day 1 of Classic? Transfer? That would be like telling my neighbor who was born here but is having trouble keeping up with property taxes due to all the out-of-state people flocking here driving costs up “Just move bro, stop being stoopid”

Sulfuras (on of the free transfer destinations) is already listed as full on the realm selection screen. All the mega servers STILL have MASSIVE queues…so that basically solved nothing and now even Sulfuras is approaching mega server status which brings along, you guessed it, QUEUES!

Sulfuras is already listed as full on the server list and is most likely rapidly heading towards mega server/queue status

It’s weird how whitemane has more people than grobb
but they don’t have 11k ques
its almost like blizzard intentionally limits layers on servers for an arbitrary reason.


It was released 6 days ago. And now has a 2 hour que. Give me another fresh pvp server option

The server was created 6 days ago. What warning?

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you are the same as a person who idolizes sports stars we call them jock sniffers you are blizzards jock sniffer

i see reading comprehension is difficult for some.

READ, READ FFS lmao, if you rolled on day 1 and it was full, yep, your fault, if you rolled on day 1 and it was a medium pop or whatever, then you’re very unlucky and my post wasnt addressing you. But those people are a tiny minority.

I find the solved by Kozzae in post #2 extremely offensive and have flagged him for trolling.

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No. the person asked why they allowed too many people there. Blizzard waited till the fire had engulfed the house before doing anything.