198 6/10H R-Druid LF active Raiding/ M+ guild


I am currently looking for a new raid team to finishing pushing heroics and then push into Mythic raiding. I am a long time WoW player. Have played on and off since Vanilla.

What I can Offer:

  • A player that is willing to own up to his mistakes and correct them to not be an issue again.
  • I always come prepared doing my own research on boss mechanics, potions, flasks, etc.
  • If your on time you’re late mentality. Always try to be early.
    *A player that does vast research in how to properly play my class. I accept critisim too, I am always trying to impove.

What i am looking for

  • A raid team with a clear content mentality
  • Guild M+ runs (I HATE pugging M+ please save me)
  • Raid ending by 12PM EST/ 11PM CST 2x or 3x a week.
  • Possible alt runs i just like killing boss’s :slight_smile:

I can provide links to current World of Logs.

I look forward to speaking with you, feel free to reach out to me on my btag ezkiel#1824