197 lock 10+ years raid exp

I am looking for a 2 night a week raid team past 7:30 cst to 10:30 or 11 cst. I have been playing on mal ganis since day 1 started in Myths Fury then when everyone went horde I was in a spinoff guild called Defeat. I have raided every xpac up to warlords. I casually played during warlords, legion and lasted about a month in BFA. Maturity is important to me as I am in my 30’s, I would prefer like minded individuals.


Hey there, friend! Here’s our guild post (<Crimson Fury> [H] Looking for Thurs/Fri night raiders for a fresh raiding experience), check us out! We might be the right fit for you. :slight_smile:

Hey Steffan, We’re an AotC minded guild as we too are older and have families, etc. We no longer have the time for cutting edge and instead I find it easier to focus on helping people improve. It’s easier for me with a general understanding of /most/ classes to help turn a grey parse into a blue parse than it is to pressure people into purple or higher parses. It also lets me not have to police people’s Covenant choices, etc. Just do you and be cool about it :slight_smile:

We raid wed/thur 8:30-11:30 PM EST which is if I am not mistaken in line with your desired raid times.

My discord is SpacePope20K#0840
My bnet is SpacePope20K#1320

I’d be happy to chat anytime~

Hey there! I'm Moon, the recruitment officer for Swift[H][Mal'ganis].
We are currently 5/10H. A few members have 10/10H experience. We want to finish the rest of heroic and push our way towards CE and are in need of like-minded individuals who are laidback and patient with progression. We want to enjoy our time while raiding. (:

Raid Times are Tues/Wed-8-11pm Server(CST)

Looking for a multitude of classes/specs and would be happy to have you on the team. If you have any questions feel free to message me in-game (SparkledMoon#1939) or over on our forum recruitment post here.