191 Aff Lock looking for raiding guild

191 affliction warlock looking for raiding guild. I have yet to step into CN, but I’m a quick learner and know the ancient art of looking up raid fights on YouTube.

Hey! Add poter#11947 to further of what my guild escaping the insanity has to offer!

What raid times are you looking for? Wednesday/Thursday 10:15 - 1:00am is what we run and we are looking for a lock!

Absolute Devastation is a putting together a team for weekend raiding and mythic plus, run by a mature group of experienced players. We have been playing since late BC with a heavy PvE focus with various guilds. Our main focus will be on pushing for AOTC each tier. We also regularly push mythic plus keys each week for high iLvl chest gear. Currently we are looking for all classes and roles for a core team. Raid times are 8-11 EST, Friday and Saturday.

Our experience: Raid lead is 10/10 on both Normal and Heroic Nathria with 2/10 in Mythic Nathria, all other officers have heroic experience. All core team members are expected to know their class in raid and mythic plus settings and show up prepared with raid materials. Pots/Flasks/Food will be provided where possible.

Most of all we want this to be a relaxing environment that can push content. It is expected that you will be able to play at a competitive level and you may be asked to sit if you are consistently under-performing. We are a strict adult only guild, and it is expected all members will behave in an appropriate and mature manner.

We understand life is more important that WoW and will work around scheduling conflicts where possible and reasonable. Last minute cancellation due to emergencies is obviously understandable, but please let us know as soon as you can as a courtesy to your fellow raiders.

Please reach out to one of our officers on Bnet to apply:

Soronar#1215 – Guild lead/Healing Officer

TerraArcanum#1856 – Raid leader/Officer

Beezy#2846 - Officer

Zale#1744 - Officer

Hey Mattal, Revered with Death is looking for more dps for N CN. We are a late nite Fri/Sat raiding guild.

We’re a pretty chill group looking for people that are committed to raiding.

Here’s the guild spam: [H] (Thrall) What’s Your End Game? - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums

Feel free to shoot me a message! :smiley: