183 NF Boomkin looking for Raiding Guild

Laid back 420 friendly raider. Takes raiding serious, but not at a toxic level. Looking to push heroics, maybe get back into mythic. Haven’t raided mythic since ToS in legion.

I do have mythic experience and am interested in the idea of it. I have Cutting Edge in a few tiers dating back to WoD/Legion. I am also committed to a classic naxx team(although its appearing to fall apart, like … soon)

Can raid mon-thurs 5-9(10pm maybe at the latest) Pacific Standard Time. Looking to really only raid 3 days tops… ideally 2.

I pugged the first two normal bosses in Nathria Tuesday night.

You can Bnet tag me or wsper me in game. I’ll try to check back to this post 2-3x a day.
