$180 12 month sub promotion

No… no you haven’t.

I don’t even understand his train of thought. :rofl:

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This thread is a clown shoe.


Whatever the back and forth over 180 vs 155 is, its the same dollar per month discount as the 6 month, just for another 6 months.


I never said you were, but at least you understood basic reasoning. Stay mad at… what are you mad at?

Hey, OP! Magnarok found your shoe!

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There is no reasoning. Nothing you’ve said makes any sense.


at this point it’s like the end of grimrail depot and the train has derailed and crashed lol


Which was 100% wrong.

The discount is because when you get a 6 month sub the price is $12.99 a month instead of $14.99.

A year sub applies the same $12.99 per month price = $155.88 + any local taxes and fees.

That is the same discount we have gotten for a 6 month sub since 2004.



Yes, this post exists…

If you say so, honey.

How do people not understand basic marketing techniques these days? $180 is the normal cost of subbing for 12 months individually at $15 each, and $155 is the cost of a 12 month sub. The Wyrm mount is irrelevant, I DO NOT have that mount and I am still advertised the $155 price. This isn’t rocket science, literally every company shows prices this way when there are multiple tiers of sub options.


Fourth person late. That’s it, I’m going to start writing detention slips.

I only got like 130ish posts in. Does that guy understand the concept of incentives yet or no?

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Don’t forget the windwalker monk nerfs! I haven’t really done anything since the nerfs, but I imagine we can’t even punch our way out of a wet paper bag anymore.

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Nope. Still insists he’s paying $155 for the mounts.

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That’s not the point of anything stated here, but yes.

No sadly. Should there be? Maybe


And is probably the most brain dead illogical post I’ve read today.


Comprehension is hard for a lot of these people I guess lmao, it’s really not rocket science to understand that the per month charge for a 12 month upfront subscription is LOWER than the same monthly subscription if you were to just pay month to month hence the shown discount as you pointed out, we really can’t help these people.


Stating the exact logic behind the bundle’s pricing is not logical. I mean you do have a point, just not where you think it is…