$180 12 month sub promotion

Can’t help stupid i guess.

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Well, of course! OP should absolutely be given a discount for having already received the free mana wyrm, which he received… for free.

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I didn’t, I just have not tried the spec out yet as I have been using Brewmaster thus far for clearing low level dungeons quickly for fun. I imagine more nerfs and/or buffs will come before the expansion releases.

Why would there be??? YOU GOT IT FOR FREE.


If you finally understand it then you could just edit your first post in this thread to indicate that, this isn’t Twitter so an edit button does exist.

Great, you brought it up, it’s your responsibility to explain it to him.

Do you have enough crayons?

Ah yes, I should edit every post I make instead of just making new ones… No.

Yea it’s not a free mount though. Outside of the bundle you have to pay for it. If they already have the mount in the bundle, it should be discounted from the bundle.

It makes sense

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Someone finally gets it. Thank you.

Not every post, just editing the first one would stop most future replies from people trying to explain it to you.

He got the mount for free. Blizzard is discounting the bundle in the amount he paid for that free mount. He is essentially receiving a refund in the amount of $0. Which is exactly the right amount.

If he had bought the mount off the shop for $25, you would have a point, but he didn’t.

Why would I scroll all the way back to find my first post when I don’t have to and just make snide remarks at those that can’t be bothered to read the current state of the conversation rather than giving a knee-jerk reply?

anyone else speculating/wondering if they’re planning (…or are at least “internally” aware of) an upcoming content drought for the first half of 10.0?

6-month subs have been around forever, so not much suspicious about that, but this “sudden” change to pushing 12-month subs instead does make me curious :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Seems like a subtle red flag in a way

It doesn’t matter if it’s on the store for $25. If you got it through the bundle then it was most definitely free. They put it on the store for the people who just want the mount and not a 6 month sub.

You have ZERO logic. Absolutely NOTHING you said is even remotely logical nor factual. You can’t even do basic math.



People in this world seriously cannot be this stupid. It’s just not possible.

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When you say bundle, you’re adding up the sum of the parts. The 6 month sub + the mount. The mount isn’t free, it’s part of the bundle. The pictures that they post in the store don’t accurately represent that.

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If you say so, honey.

I would think that if they have it from a 6 month sub then whatever the mount after the bunny mount is would be included if they switch to 12 months for this, because the 12 months shouldn’t actually go through until the existing 6 month sub comes up for renewal (idk if you’d get the new mounts now or later though).

Anyone who purchased it separately knew what they were doing, so they shouldn’t expect anything extra. The minutes are a free bonus on top of the normal 6 or 12 month subscription price, the price isn’t increased for the mounts so no one should expect a discount.

This is classic forum fun right here. A several hundred reply post where someone thinks everyone else is stupid because they cant grasp a concept that wouldnt phase a 5 yr old


Whether you get the mount or not the 6 month sub price doesn’t change. So no, it’s not the 6 month sub + the mount. It’s $77 and change for the 6 month sub and then the mount is a FREE bonus.