$180 12 month sub promotion

You are also late.

To get the mounts free you buy a 6 months or one year sub.

You pay the exact same price for the sub as it has cost since 2004. Long term subs have been $12.99 a month since 2004.

The cost has not gone up. The mount is FREE with that time commitment.

Blizzard gets better metrics out of it because they have a commitment. You get a free mount out of it without paying more for the 6 month sub.


So youā€™ve given up answering my question, got it. Iā€™ll flip your last question on you, show me where where it lists each individual monthā€™s cost on the bundle (and no, you canā€™t cheat using another receipt otherwise Iā€™'ll just show you the shop where mounts are priced at 25 U.S.D.).

Use your gold.

Was gonna say, dang zero discount lol.

except you could literally save money and get the mount at any point in time. YOU chose to pay month to month when there was a cheaper long term alternative right in front of you. blizz never said you couldnā€™t get this lol. you didnt need to unsub to buy it. be angry at yourself i guess.

I have to purchase something to get something for free? I donā€™t think you know what the word ā€œfreeā€ meansā€¦


Right? What the heck?

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Yet oddly, I understood how wrong you were as soon as I read the OP.

Also, you donā€™t pay for the free mount (thatā€™s why they call them ā€˜freeā€™). Theyā€™re an incentive to choose the longer subscription plan. If you just want the mount without the long-term commitment, then you pay for them.

Iā€™m not going to jump on board the annual sub, but I did do the annual pass pre-mop that came with Diablo 3, Tyrealā€™s Charger, and MoP beta access (in fact, the annual pass is what brought me back after quitting 6-ish weeks into Cata). And, I believe that was at ~$180 total too. So, given that was > 10 years ago, I donā€™t think the price of this annual sub today is a bad deal. And, if some kind of Diablo IV promotion had been what was included in this deal instead of the mounts includedā€”the murloc isnā€™t bad, but Iā€™m not interested in that beetle at allā€”I probably would have considered this.

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Weird, I couldnā€™t just claim these ā€œfreeā€ mounts; I had to buy bundles to get themā€¦

Lol the greed is so real. I get more playtime and content out of a 12 year sub for Jagex for literally half the cost.

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Would cost me $195 Canadian. I usually buy game time with tokens, but they are too expensive right now. My game time will expire in January, I will see what happens to the token after the expansion launches. I havenā€™t paid for WoW since WoWtokens became a thing, I really donā€™t want to go back to spending real money on a sub.

Oh I get a mount in Wrath Classic? Hmm what about TBC Classic mounts? Any TBC Classic servers still around?

You havenā€™t answered mine.

Are you seriously going to act this obtuse???

Are you THIS bad at math???

Subscription costs $15 a month.

Reduced price for 12 months is $13 a month.

Can you do simple math? Whatā€™s $12.99 x 12, honey?

Use a calculator if you have to.


Is the mount going to be available as a ā€œstandaloneā€ store mount as well?

I like the hulk-Murloc lookā€¦ but just want to protect myself in case DF flops within 12 months. Makes no sense to spend $150+ if I unsub/take a break a few months in (if it flops for whatever reason)

ā€¦but if itā€™s buyable as a ā€œstandaloneā€ $25 store mount I might get it

Just grabbed the pack. I love the Grrlocā€™s /mountspecial! Canā€™t wait to see the bunny mount too, Iā€™m sure itā€™s gonna be a banger.

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Theyā€™re trolling. At this point thereā€™s no possible way they actually believe their own argument. Theyā€™re just trying to get people upset lol.


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you are trying hard now. you purchased your monthly game time in a block of 6 months. actually saving you sub money. the mounts are literally free. they are no charge added item you get for saving money on your reg. game subscription moron.