$180 12 month sub promotion

The swoleloc is cool, but I don’t think it can fly.

I’d rather have the Festering Emerald Drake to be included in retail :upside_down_face:


I don’t get how you’re struggling so much with this.


Where do I pick them up then without paying, since they are “free”?

Oh my god, can you imagine?! Blizz, make it happen!

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That’s the dream!

it is your own fault if you never ought the 6 months at a shot. i dont typically but it either as i dont generally drop that much on wow at a time, however it is literally money saved so if i plan poorly and spend more for wow im not going to rage that there is an option to save me money if i so choose…

You signed up for 6 month deal that gave you a free mount with a 6 month sub.

You got your free mount with the 6 month sub. Simple as that.

A 6 month sub costs $12.99 per month which is $77.94. A savings of $12.06 for the 6 months. Two 6 month subs at the discounted rate of $12.99 a month = a savings of $24.12.

The discount is for the bulk time commitment. Same price it has been since 2004.

The mounts are FREE. The discount is the same one we have gotten since 2004 on 6 month subs.


When you up front pay for 12 months of sub time or 6 months of sub time.

Each month costs $12.99. For 6 months, that’s $77.94. For 12 months, that’s $155.88.

So show me where in there is an extra fee for $25 mounts.


This thread is hilarious.

People saying the mount is free are right. The normal 6 month sub is also discounted in the same way. But to entice you (the carrot) is putting the mount in there, in which case people MAY sub for longer without playing the game, because of the free item that they want.

So no, you didn’t PAY for the free item, but in reality, in a backwards way, you definitely did.


Incorrect, the mount was part of the offer.

And the mount is FREE in that offer.


I have to pay to get the mounts then, Dang, thought you said they were free…

it ain’t my own fault they need to quit being obsessed with trying to keep people subbed offering deals cause they know everyone unsubs all the time yet they have loyal people who never do hmmm sounds like phone company deals new customers get this deal good thing i roll with att where everyonhe gets the same deals lol.

You ONLY pay for SUB TIME. You DO NOT pay for the mount.

How are you not comprehending this?

Again I’ll ask:


Seems a bit fishy to me that they’re now offering 12 months instead of just 6. To me this looks like they already know that we might have a long content drought after release again and really want to bind the players as long as possible. puts tinfoil hat on

The bundle is $155.88 ($12.99/month for 12 months) The struck-though $179.88 is to demonstrate how much you save over the monthly subscription rate. It has nothing to do with whether you have the current promo’s mount.


Yes, it was FREE with the offer. You did not pay a penny more for the 6 month sub. You paid the same price for the 6 month sub as it has been since 2004.

You got a free mount with it. This is not hard.


i do not have the mana wyrm mount and i just looked it up and it was $155 for me as well


So where can I get the mounts without paying then? You keep saying they are “free” but they always seem to have a price tag on them.

I’m going to ask you one more time: