$180 12 month sub promotion

Yes, I think they’ll charge you once your current sub expire.

The mount is 25 U.S.D. in the shop…

It’s too bad that the swol murloc isn’t sold separately, because I’d buy that. I’m already under a year long sub, but it’s through gift card, so that doesn’t qualify me for promotional stuff. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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It is a one year time bundle. It would bill now and would be game time added on to the game time you already have. So your total game time would be whatever you already paid for + the one year.

The reason it bills now, unlike most normal subs, is because that is how they grant the licenses for the free pets/mounts. Otherwise you would have to wait until it bills to be able to use them.

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It is free with the 6 month sub. You don’t pay for it. You don’t get a discount for something you did not pay for.


I’d like to point out that even in that picture, there is not a 25 dollar discount. There is a 24 dollar discount. This is because it’s (14.99-12.99) = 2.00 saved every month for 12 months. Total is 2*12 = 24.


I paid a 6-month subscription for it and others paid 25 U.S.D.

But you would’ve been paying for that sub time anyway. Are you suggesting they should increase the price of the bundle to accommodate the mounts?

Which paid for 6 months of game time. Not the mount. The mount was free with your game time.

At this point I am not sure you are going to understand.


Yes you would. My current sub doesn’t expire until March and I bought the 12 month sub and got the 2 ground mounts in game when I logged in. Already had the Nether-gorged Greatwyrm from the current 6 month offer. You’ll be charged immediately for the sub, but then you won’t have to pay a sub again until 2024.


Reading is hard.

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f this deal where the heck is the deal for people who been subbed forever? i never got not deal they can kiss my butt i never was unsubscribed from this game til trash shadowlands dropped.

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Reading is easy. Comprehension seems to be the hard part here. I’m really not sure if there are any other ways that this can be explained at this point.

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Yet I got a mount… Weird. It must have been a mistake! Hey Blizzard, I think you need to remove this mount that I “didn’t pay for”…

I only pay for WoW with gold, and you can’t buy a subscription with Blizzard balance. Hopefully they put those mounts on the shop for a separate price, I’d buy them. No way I’m spending $155 of real money though (yeah, I have plenty of money, it’s a matter of principle).

How? The mounts are free. The sub price doesn’t change.

When I flat out stated my stance and you somehow still don’t understand, that is not a comprehension issue hun.

that’s not at all how it works. you are intentionally being obtuse. its crossed out because that’s what u pay for 12 months of gametime on a month to month sub. the amount in green is the amount after your savings. the mounts are incentive to buy in larger sub lengths. you don’t pay for them with the sub. its the same thing when xbox slashes out a price and lists the cheaper one for on sale items lol.

You’re late.

But you’re not making any sense. The mounts are free. They can’t discount what you didn’t pay for.