$180 12 month sub promotion

I’m not really seeing the point of getting it. The Grrloc is just gonna go into the regular shop after a few months and having the 6 month sub already means you’re already guaranteed to get the Year of the Rabbit mount when it comes out.

Bro. 12*15 is 180. The regular price is 15. What’s so confusing about this?

Go here. See that there is an amount crossed out for the 3 month sub, even though there is no mount. The price that is crossed out is the price of however many months at the original 15 dollar a month price.

Oh my god, so there is no discount for already having one of the mounts. Even worse.

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Yea cuz youre buying game time

The mounts are a bonus, if you have the bonus already then Nada beside the other bonus

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Because you keep saying one thing and linking me pictures of something else. I wasn’t trying to start an argument with you or troll you but you’re mad for whatever reason.

I’m just going to stop replying about this.


Why would there be? They’re only charging you the sub cost, the mounts themselves aren’t adding to the cost of the sub bundle.

You still get four new mounts. You’re not paying for these. They are included in the subscription price.

Well I don’t know what to tell you. I just went and looked and I see the same offer of $179.88 being crossed out and offered at $155.88 instead.

I have NEVER had the 6 month offer or the mana wyrm… so I’m not getting a discount for that. The only time I ever had a subscription offer like that was when Diablo 3 base game was free with a 12 month sub. Other than that I have 1 month sub or I’m using game time cards aka 60 days.

So the discount would appear to just be a discount to me.

damn i really want that gigachad murloc mount. $155 though ugh :sob:

Blizzard discounted the bundle price but refuses to discount it if you have one of the mounts on offer… Ugh the pure greed.


I love the idea of a 12 month promotion, but those are mounts that I’d never use. I’d rather have a store credit for digital items.


Again, they’re not charging you at all for the mounts. This argument is silly.


They are charging an annual subscription for the mounts, because there is no other way to get them.

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They are charging an annual subscription for an annual subscription. The mounts are just sign-on bonuses.

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Man, you are wrapped.

So if we are already subbed for 6 months do we just get charged the differnce to upgrade or what?

Nope. Pay full price.

I doubt it. I haven’t done it yet myself, but I imagine it will charge the full price up front and just add a full year to your current sub.

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They can’t give you a discount for something that is free.

Blizzard benefits because you made a multiple month game time commitment which helps their stats.

You benefit with a free mount.

You don’t get a discount for something FREE.

In the past all 6 month sub mounts can also be bought separately in the store. I assume the year sub deal is the same.


Normal commitment sub scheme for a few expansions now