$180 12 month sub promotion

Well, it’s because you are, to be fair.

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I have a really bad virus and I’m barely getting through it so I do enjoy threads like this to get my attention off of being miserable. I can’t log on because I’m unable to get out of bed


If you say so, but then that means I successfully trolled you so pick your poison.

That sucks. I hope you have a swift recovery.


Right… when it seems the whole world is against you just remember it’s not and you should look inward.

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I have been trolled many times before, and will many more times after this. There is no shame in it.

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Yeah, single digit number of people is “the whole world”.

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At least you have a better outlook than the others.

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On one hand, I can understand the perspective. On the other hand, I personally prefer yearly subscriptions to things so I can get that one big payment out of the way, and for the whole year I do not have to worry about payments per month. An example for me would be Amazon Prime.

Of course this just be my two coppers.

:woman_facepalming: it’s an expression.

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Then you managed to butcher it as it is a poor expression to use here. Par for the course for you though…

I hope ya feel better sooner rather than later.

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More payment options for the consumers is always appreciated.

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One less thing to worry about per month in my eyes.

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I definitely understand the feeling, but I hate massive payments all at once and prefer smaller, incremental payments.


I understand, everyone is different.

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Except again the 6 month promotion has been the same $12.99 the entire time its existed, which one can see is at least since 11/2017 using the internet archive:

And the mount was only thrown in starting with the pirates day promotion in September of 2018, for the same price it was for nearly a year already:

6 month subscriptions were paying the $12.99 from the very beginning, and mounts weren’t thrown in until later, no additional cost was added the $12.99 they paid from the beginning with no bonuses thrown in other than the discounted price.

So again, incorrect, the mount with subscription is 100% complete free, at no additional cost to what 6 month subscription has been since the beginning before promotion mounts were a thing, and would still be paying if mounts ever stopped being a thing. All of which is also $2 less a month than someone just paying month to month at the standard $15.

The monthly cost saving is exactly the same as 6 month.
This feels like this was intended as a 6 month and they last minute switched it to 12 month.

12 Month should have a further discount, but i guess this is how they lock in users for monthly active user yearly review numbers.

Think the annoying part is those that recently got into 6 month, can’ tjust buy another 6 to get get the 12 month bonus, they have to effectively get another 12+6. That is a long commitment.
Meanwhile the world cost of living is going higher and higher.

What a deal! 12 months for the full $15/month!

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They can eat my future gametime and can go drive this game more into the ground at this point. Made it easy for me to not buy DF.