$180 12 month sub promotion

I am, immensely.

Refer to my receipt post above. If you bought the bundle BEFORE the amount existed, receipt would read:

6 month sub : $78

If you bought the bundle DURING the mount promotion:

6 month sub: $78
Mount: $0.00

^ that means free mount. Are you still paying money? Yes, for the six month sub. The mount is not an additional charge and would not discount the sub if you didn’t get it.

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Since this adds on to existing sub lengths, I look forward to when in 2025 we’re all subbed through 2035.


Where on your receipt does it show that?

Not a big deal. I am perma subbed to wow anyway. Cool new mounts.

And? So they missed out on the free mount added into the $12.99 a month the subscription person was paying regardless of any mount deal. Someone missing out out on a free mount does not change the basic fact that the mount did not “add” any cost to the person on a subscription, they pay the discounted $12.99 either way whether they got a mount or not.

Claiming someone is ‘paying more’ for the promotion mount they got at no additional cost, is completely false and illogical.

Honestly at this point I’m going to assume you’re trolling so well done you baited a lot of people lmao.

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That guy is trolling yall LOL just relax

How did you do this

I said IF they sent a receipt. And you clearly didn’t read the whole thing.

I hope you have a wonderful day and your brain starts to work at full capacity at some point.

“Anyone I disagree with is trolling.” Classic.

Wait, I’ve made this post already this thread

I just had 6 month subs always rolling over. I play wow every day.

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So you are assuming. Good to know.

No other thing it could be at this point, either way though I’ve said my bit and have other things to do.

Mount or not, the damn 6 month sub is $78, because you aren’t paying month by month.

Do you not comprehend “discount given for buying more months at a time” concept that even Amazon and HBO Max uses???

I want to believe that, but there really are people this stupid just walking around in real life.

You’re assuming as well, as you’ve shown no proof to prove your point either.



Where do you fly off the track in this basic thought process?

A 12 month sub promotion on the eve of a new expac?

That honesty sounds like bad news.

We’ve all literally shown proof and math of how it works. He’s continuing to act obtuse.

Thank you for proving the mount is free. You’re done, go home kid.

NOW I’m muting this thread.

Please, continue.