$180 12 month sub promotion

Well, you are going to see me assume the discount is from the current 6-month subscription cost and not a general discount.

And person C paid $78 for a 6 month subscription and didnā€™t get a mount back before mount rewards existed.


With mount: $78.

Without mount: $78.

Geezusmerrianjosef people cannot be this dumb in this world.

Well then I guess the mount is negative money cost they paid, since they paid less than the person not on a subscription for the same amount of time.

Lets also just completely ignore the basic logic that all they paid is the $12.99 a month for their subscription for 6 months regardless of if there even was a mount added in or not.

Basic logic is not hard.

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I was thinking about getting this, and then I realized that I havenā€™t paid cash money for my subs hardly at all in the last billion years. I always extend my time in gold-bought tokens. So Iā€™d functionally be paying $155 for two mounts for each account, and thatā€™s not a good deal :laughing:

Person C missed the limited time, fear of missing out, offer that they could buy both the mount and the subscription for cheaper and now they have to buy the mount separately for 25 U.S.D.

This doesnā€™t change the fact the mount was free in the bundle.

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no it doesnt make sense. lol. when you buy the bundle the mount fee is not applied lol. another person who doesnā€™t understand at all. would it be easier if bizz listed on the receipt that they gave you a refund of 0 dollars for the mount u already received for no additional charge lol.

It was never free.

So I see you donā€™t understand how their promotions work at all and just refuse to use basic logic to understand this.

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Letā€™s say youā€™re buying something in a store and itā€™s on sale, buy one get one free. However, you only need one of these items. Are you going to ask the cashier to only charge you half the price, despite the fact that the promotion is buy one get one free?

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fomo dosnā€™t apply to an item you can purchase on its own in the shop at any timeā€¦

There is no ā€œcheaper.ā€

One person pays for 6 months up front. $78.

One person pays for 6 months up front, gets a mount. $78.

Period. End of story.

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Anyone else having a laugh these people exist or just me?

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If the mount is only in the bundle, how can I get it for ā€œfreeā€? Paying for the bundle.

shows you still stupid as hell.


Blizz knows that DF will be a dumpster fire. So they are trying to lock you in now. lol

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Iā€™m dying inside that this level of stupidity exists in the world.

So much so that I have to mute this thread and go back to reading Faulkner.


I skipped to the end to see if youā€™re still going and unsurprisingly, you are.

Is it fun having 250 posts of people telling you that youā€™re dumb?

Limited time bundle is $78. Subscription and the mount is $103. Is 78 less than, equal to, or more than 103?

its not only in the bundle it will go on the store soon as the bundle offr is gone if it isnt already. i have the mana wyrm. and i never got a 6 month sub. iā€™m not going to demand 25 dollars off a year sub if i buy it just because they included free in a special offer.