$180 12 month sub promotion

The sub costs $155.88 with or without the free mounts. YOU AREN’T PAYING FOR THE MOUNTS. The mounts are a free incentive to entice you to buy the subscription.


Yeah, there’s a lot of people here that could benefit from re-entering kindergarten…

Classic projection.

They need to implement a drug testing policy at blizz hq after seeing this.

I learned it from all of you guys. :heart:

Do you not understand the sub fees???

Pay for it one month at a time. It’s $14.99.

Pay for it 6 months at a time. It’s $12.99.

How much is $12.99 x 6? Can you do the math?

Here, I’ll do it for you.
$12.99 x 6 = $77.94.

Do you know how much the 6 month sub is with the mount?



Bruh I just bought a 6 month and 2 extra months. That beetle mount looks great


My brother in Jimminy Christmas. What the graphic you keep linking shows is what the full price for subscribing for 12 months would be (14.99 x 12 = 179.88).

And then that price is crossed out and grayed out showing that it’s not the price anymore and the new, discounted price of $12.99 a month (12.99 x 12 = 155.88) is the deal that you are getting. It’s showing you the discount, not unlike this kind of thing:

It’s worth a note that “discounting” things that never sold for full price is something that Blizzard is potentially getting in trouble for in Australia with Overwatch skins, so they’re dotting their 'i’s and crossing their 't’s to make sure you can see the actual amount of a discount that you’re getting by buying a bundle.

I am already on a 6 month recurring sub do I have to buy 12 months or can I add 6 more months to my recurring sub?

Fifth person late. Take your detention slip.

You have to buy the bundle in it’s entirety.

You have to buy the 12 month bundle to get the 12 month bundle stuff.

It is free, lets try to use some bare basic logic here.
Person A pays for a standard month to month subscription, over 6 months they pay $90 for their subscription (discounting taxes etc…)

Person B pays for a 6 month sub, they pay $78 for the same 6 months of playing, and get a mount automatically, no extra charge then the $78 for their $12.99 a month discounted subscription cost.

Person A and B paid for the same game time, person B paid less, and got a mount for free, as they paid nothing over their $12.99 a month discounted subscription cost.

They can’t. It doesn’t seem to exist.

Exactly this. If you got a receipt for buying this it would say something like:

Six month sub: $77.94
Mount: $0.00 ← this means free btw.

Person B paid $78 for the subscription and the mount, not just the subscription.

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Rip. I hate blizzard!

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I’ma just guess he is just being annoying. It does say 179.88, that is a fact.
Yes it is crossed out. That’s not the price you’ll be paying but it does say it on that pic.

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Sixth person late. Take your detention slip.

I didn’t feel like reading 200 posts just yet. I need a snack first.

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