18 gilded crest a week from Delves. Big pass

11s are not harder than any other content that drops Gilded Crests.

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I actually agree with you. A lot of people enjoy them though. Or say that they do anyway.

As someone who solo’d 11 no deaths for the title, its too easy still. No deaths was hard, but with 1 live remaining I could still do 11s. For other classes its very hard as every pull is a boss practically.

Nope! Why does that matter? I’m still a Delver and still giving information on Delves.

1 upgrade a week for gear that can only go up twice with gilded crests (hero track) doesn’t seem that outlandish if you really think about it. Given that the only sources for hero track for players who mostly do delves are T8 bounty maps or the weekly vault from T8 delves (or higher). The only other sources for hero track gear are from heroic raids, end of dungeon rewards from +7’s or higher or from the weekly vault for 3-9 keystones.

The only way you can get myth track gear is from mythic raid or from the Great vault if you did a +10 or higher key.

So how is it a slap in the face?

Also I think the 3 gilded crests you get from the random maps are not affected by this alleged cap.

As for crafted gear, Blizzard reduced them from 90 to 60 gilded crests. Therefore it would only take around 3-4 weeks. Depending on your RNG with the T8 bounty maps.

OPs disappointed because it doesn’t allow him to bypass grinding M+ completely to mythic raid.

For delvers, it’s a welcomed update.

It should be more then 18.

Why should it be cut back just because the top 10% of players find it too easy and believe only the content they do should be worth Gilded Crests?

Catering all the content to the Top 10% is just poor business practice. Reality check - if the TOP 10% all quit, the game would continue on as usual.

Currently, the game is bleeding on the other side, losing lots of subs from the remaining 90% of the population due to their hard headed approach in catering to ‘the elites’.

One can’t really think they just made all the changes on crests and such just because they had a change of heart. They made the changes because they had a change in revenue coming in. You can see it in many aspects of the game, its almost a ghost town compared to even SL days.

Moreover, iLvL doesn mean a thing. ILvL doesn’t equal skill. You can have a 615 badly out dps a 635. You see it in PUGS all the time. The try-hards and elitists need to calm down. If you are as good as you think, you are not at risk. You will still be at the top if it truly is your skill that got you there.

Also, don’t forget, Gear/Crests can now also be purchased via gold on the services channel by way of paid carries. You can even buy AoTC/KSH/CE, each for escalating amounts of gold. The game, as it is, is all but a pay to win system. So restriction of gear via other methods simply makes no sense.

So if your fear is keeping ‘bad players from entering higher skill level content’ by restricting their access to gear and crests, you are still going to face many actors. Want to avoid actors, start using logs to see how many runs and stats per run is the only way to potentially avoid the lower skilled player attempting to join in on content over their skill thresholds.

Blizzard should start changing the leaderboards/HoF to recognize those who hit AoTC/KSH/CE at the lowest iLVL. Then having people be able to say “I hit 3000io at 615, where the majority needed 630.” Then give rewards accordingly. Be it exclusive mounts/portal/transmogs to even some sort of public leaderboard with potentially even real live recognition and prizes.

At the end of the day, in order for the game to succeed, we need all levels of players to be happy and returning, or else face the demise of the game.

We need to worry more about just having fun doing the content we like, and not worry about what others are getting. I mean, isn’t that what we raise our children to NOT to do? Yet, grown adults sitting here getting all upset over what other get? GTFOH

Happy gaming! :slight_smile:


I’m fine with 18, better than if you’re lucky this week you might get 3. People also seem to quickly forget it takes half as many crests now to trade up for higher ones. As well as the gilded enchanting crests used for crafting, pricing dropped to 60 gilded crests down from 90.

wow you guys are amazing. instead of being glad they gave you a way to farm some gilded throughout the season, you say its not good enough. they haven’t even implemented it in the game yet and youre already complaining about it lmao. you lot are amazing

It’s sort of funny that tier 8 delves are free gear compared to M+, but gilded crests from M+ 8 will be much more efficient than delves.

Fortunately they dont.

They bend over backwards for the people that do trivial content. And those people are never satisfied. They keep moving the goal posts.

First it was “just give us a way to slowly get some of the best gear in the game”. Now that they have that its not enough.


OP is a mythic raider who really hates m+ and wants to use delves as a replacement source of crests. I’m not sure he counts as “you guys”.


He doesn’t but no point in bothering because that’ll make generalizing a hard thing to do around these parts. :wink:



Your a paladin, it should be easy for you in general

Yep. The only system that’s allowed to be a functional crest farm is M+. “You will do it and you will like it” -Blizzard

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X TO DOUBT if the current delves are any reflection on its difficulty

yes they may be free, but run the numbers on upgrading a full set of gear. I believe someone said like 1200 crests are needed?? So for people like myself that cant get into mythic raids or have a guild that raid logs and is only online 2 out of 7 days a week and only helps its click crowd out, yes THIS IS A VERY BIG SLAP IN THE DAMN FACE!

maybe blizzard should start punishing players that raid log and screw over their own guild mates, yes i said it. oh your remark will be, oh they have lives, they have work, and so forth. Thats correct, as do a lot of ppl and they make the effort to be online to help each other out and not raid log! This is what pisses me off about this game !

They already do.

Like everyone who does cutting edge raiding, does m+.

Its clear you dont have a understanding of classes or groups other than your own.

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