18 gilded crest a week from Delves. Big pass

From Wowhead

Based on some new datamined strings, it looks like that the Gilded Stash will have a weekly cap on the amount of times that you can loot it.

It looks like the Gilded Stash will have the following properties:

  • Contains 6 Gilded Crests

  • Can be looted 3 times each week

  • Available on Tier 11 and must have lives remaining

This indicates that players can receive a total of 18 Gilded Undermine Crest This is 20% of the weekly cap of 90.

30 per week was the minimum that could drop per week for me to come back and give Season 2 a shot again but 18 is just a slap in the face. 1 upgrade a week? The number doesnā€™t even make sense in balance as there are 4 empowered delves per day. Everything has to be capped and given like scraps.

I have no interest anymore begging for scraps. Blizzard makes a new endgame feature as part of their expansion and then treat it like it carries the plague.


These are basically free gilded crests. Hard to call that a slap in the face.


There it isā€¦


ok, but if you figure blizzard cares if you come ā€˜backā€™ when you havenā€™t even left you are mistaken.


Free if you play a Tank maybe, not free if you play other specs. 20% is a joke and shows how Blizzard really feel about Delves.


6 is a weird number. They should just make it 15 per gilded stash. Tier 11s would be harder than +8s and if they want to limit it whatever, the cap is only really a thing to put a brake on stuff early.


I have left but was keeping up on the Season 2 prospects and was becoming interested when I heard there was a chance of getting crest outside of Mythic +, but this amount is a joke.

The devs think Delves are 1/5th as important as Mythic + dungeons, and itā€™s clear as day now. Good to know.


I have plenty of DPS. T8 delves giving Gilded crests are free crests .


Inb4 the usual suspects come in claiming ā€œdElVeS aRe ToO rEwArDiNg!1!!1!11!1ā€


The T8 chest is a small random chance to drop, the Gilded Undermine Crest will only drop from T11 and will be a challenge for every the full BiS DPS because you can 1 shot by failing a mechanic.

I donā€™t get why its so restricted but the more I look into the topic the more I get it.

Non mythic raiders have devolved into valuing some gate keeping, thinking their heroic gear matters. Its fascinatingā€¦ like watching a parallel society split off from your own.

What they value is so beyond trivial to mythic raiders its difficult to even understand the issues. Its like a crow and ferret fighting over a single strawberry in the middle of a field of them.


I will never understand this victim mentality. Its a video game. You will be fine.


OPā€™s a raider, Iā€™m just waiting for them to pin this one on delvers wanting ā€œfree lootā€.

T8 wonā€™t be giving them, only T11s will.


Lol yeah this is the thing I canā€™t relate to. They add a comparatively very easy way to get the highest tier crests and then turn around and say ā€œThis isnā€™t enough and is in fact a slap in the face.ā€


As a mythic raider you do not speak for me. I want to Mythic Raid but not be forced to play Mythic +. Being able to relax on non-raid nights and do delves to still progress my gear would have been amazing. But 20% is a joke. Needed to be at least 30-40%. This way combined with Mythic Raids it would have been bearable during the first 6 weeks, but this shows how little they care.

Most Mythic Raiders donā€™t want to do Mythic +. Most of my previous teammates only did their weekly 10 prior to these crests being required and dread doing Mythic +, wait till last minute.

Blizzard knows what we all know, that Mythic + would barely be ran by players if crest disappeared and the weekly Vault would just be a 1 and done for most people. Many people want to do their weekly vault, then go relax doing something on their own time and pace, like the delves. But if you loving raiding, you are forced into the part time job called Mythic + to stay competitive.


Look, I get that you hate M+ but this was more of a bone given to delvers who have no interest in running keys.

Blizzard isnā€™t gonna kneecap keys.


You misunderstandā€¦ im not for gate keeping your scenario content. Im baffled people care enough about such trivial and pointless gear to bother. Im annoyed they bottle neck mythic gear the way they do via vault not skill.

I canā€™t fathom why people would even bother to slow down heroic gear. Much less campaign for it to be madeā€¦ rarer? More tedious?

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So blizzard making Delves a core part of the game, promote it, make it the selling point of an expansionā€¦and giving a ā€œboneā€ seems ok to you? Just doesnā€™t make business sense.

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Thatā€™s fine. You can still upgrade lesser Crests and Iā€™m sure map drops will still give Gildeds.

Itā€™s good to have an incentive to run T11.


Look there are some things I think areā€¦ strange but it is what it is.

Only thing I can do is watch how delves will grow at this point, ppl having a consistent way to get gilded in S2 is a start.