It’s a good change but as always everything depends on tuning. If you get crest upgrades super fast doing Delves- and then quit in a week as you already upgraded your character(s) and solo delvers don’t have any desire to do other content and so they cancel their subs because they are bored and already got all their goals- obviously Blizzard doesn’t want that. You always could get 15 gilded crests via weekly conversions, so it’s one extra upgrade a week not too bad. If they just instantly mailed us 500 gilded crests there would be nothing to strive towards?
Hell will always be other people, and naturally the game’s systems want to reward people more for going through hell rather than playing just by themselves and I don’t think it’s fair to ask delves to drop gilded crests with the same rate as farming Mythic+… and you can even ignore it entirely if you don’t want to do tier 11 delves and just upgrade more slowly through the weekly conversion method or getting lucky with bounty delver maps?? Unless they are taking that away somehow but didn’t hear anything about it…
The upgrades will all be a trap in a way as even now we have quite a few ilvl 630 people complaining about the difficulty of Zekvir ?? compared to people who done it a much lower ilvl but I mean it’s dependent on spec/class I guess. Hard fights are kinda designed to be hard regardless… On average though you shouldn’t need to fully upgrade your character as far as it will possibly go to defeat the last challenge just like in season 1, I’m assuming- depends on how much the new fight will be tuned and your spec.
“thinking their hero gear matters” Lol No that’s not it. I mean it’s a game and pixels, none of this actually matters. Hero gear is slowed down because that is the end game for a lot of folks, many people aren’t going to be bothered to strive for Mythic track gear ever as it’s totally unnecessary for their end game goals and what they want to accomplish. The game could be ‘nice’ and just more easily throw out Mythic loot to us but it would also cheapen that loot when they already did that to epics awhile ago and not sure that would solve anything, there would still be “elitists” and “casuals” even if you gave everybody ilvl 999 etc.
It makes perfect business sense. This will give delvers something to work towards and, along with the crest conversion changes, will allow them to max out their hero gear without having to jump into m+ unprepared. It will keep most of them subbed and occupied, which is what Blizzard wants. If they gave more, the delvers would just run out of things to do sooner.
I sympathize with your situation. I dislike m+ and wouldn’t want to be forced to do it in order to do something else I enjoyed but “mythic raiders who hate m+” are very much not the target audience of delves.
30% wouldn’t have kneecapped Mythic +. Everyone will still run Mythic + as long as there is a weekly vault. But Delves is not an alternative in its current state. It saves raiders 2 runs at most.
30 from raid, 18 from delves, 40 from first 4 mythic bosses (Assuming we have roughly the same mythic cadence as last patch). It’s “slightly” comical to be 2 off cap I gotta say.
Ultimately though you weren’t going to find a mythic raid guild which progresses at a pace you’d likely be satisfied with that was going to simply let you never engage in mythic+.
I am not upset about the drop rate, 6 is fair, I don’t like the 18 a week. 24 should be the minimum (there are 4 empowered Delves a day…in what world does only doing three of them even make sense from a system perspective).
24, plus 1-2 random chest, doing one Mythic + a week for vault, and crest given from progressing in the Mythic raids would have been enough to stay relevant on a Mythic raiding team without having to dedicate many hours to running Mythic + to get crest.
18 a week doesn’t actually fix anything in my opinion. These are bonus crest but didn’t actually give a “real” alternative to those who don’t want to grind Mythic +. It just took my 50 hour a week job and make it a 40 hour a week job. Still a full time job.
I gave up begging for scraps a long time ago. Now I just see the content, pick an iLevel that I’m happy with, and play the game. I don’t worry about all this farming crap so that I can max out. this is probably one of the things I hate most about the endgame treadmill is people‘s willingness to sit there and spend hours and hours just getting the currency to be able to play the game.
Doing mythic+ when you’re in a decent raid guild is just nowhere near the time commitment or difficulty / sweatiness level you perceive it to be. It’s a shame the content has been so warped by your previous experiences in pugs / the opinions of this forum but even if delves gave 30 crests a week it wouldn’t help you convince a group of raiders to let you just not engage in mythic+.
The lack of class balance is my only issue with them adding crests to T11. This is going to be great for a number of the classes I play, basically free crests. For other classes/specs I’m simply not that masochistic.
If Blizz is serious about Delves going forward they need to do a serious pass over the classes/specs that are lagging behind in solo content.
24-30 per week is what people testing, streaming, and posting where calling for. Many threads and videos to show those who have a footprint in WoW had suggested. I was just stating on what I felt was enough to bring me back. I understand that I am 1 person and not important to blizzard but I also know I am not alone and enough people who voice themselves do matter…sadly though with Blizzard is only matters years down the road, rarely in the relative time.
I was just hoping to enjoy the gameplay at a pace I could manage during the world soul saga, but doubt that occurs.
Workshop is short as hell and people know it inside out. I’m a little scared of the last pack before final boss, as well as not being able to skip the stealth section but hopefully people’s hatred of minigames will just get it removed.
Bliz having no rewards in T11s lead to them being able to effectively leave them an unbalanced wasteland. I suspect given this new reward we’re going to see them get significantly easier due to blizzard’s general aversion to spec specific tuning in the content.
Probably, which is a shame. I’d rather them look at specs that struggle through solo content and help them out a bit. But I guess that would take actual work.