17th Anniversary Drops Hotfixed

Yeah…and I farmed them, and Enjoyed the farm. Sure I am missing a few but still farmed many of them and own many of em /shrug.

Calling it as I see it isn’t insult.
You clearly are being obtuse for whatever reason. Not my fault.

Good, now pat yourself on the back and be happy you like going on many alts, during an anniversary to farm for an ugly recolor, I’m sure your day won’t be ruined that it is 100%.

Thank you! Finally.

lays down exhausted


Hearth them back home, no big deal. I flew all my alts over yesterday too, but I’m not mad.

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are you sure it isn’t already? like 2 levels then is 1 level now. that is to say, for every level you gain now its the same amount of level gains as gaining 2 levels then.

what you might want is for what ever it is right now for the xp to double. :thinking:

Basically the opposite now of the Halloween event…
People replay the daily dungeon try for the Horseman mount, and not the 184 item level loot at level 60

Where as this encounter is once and done for a mount, but actually respectable 220 item level loot for a level 60 worth repeating daily.


Either you’re exaggerating or severely mazed and should consider taking a break.

Old God’s that would be nice.

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This one gets it.

It was Hotfixed after the weekly reset was done, so people that did soon after the weekly reset, would not have seen the change to the drop rate. Literally applied 1 hour before I am making this reply.

Technically true, though. No one, and nothing, is special to the majority of the world. Each of us is only special to those of us who know us, and to the rest, we are inconsequential. Try to exert our specialness, and see how many people reject us outright as entitled snowflakes.

Be special, but don’t push your special onto others who don’t agree. You don’t really need them, anyway.

Same with in-game pixels. They really have no right to be special, other than the arbitrary code that determines their availability. Blizzard set the rule, and they can change it, as they have done here. Many of the rare mounts aren’t that great anyway, and once I get Invincible, Headless Horseman’s, and Pink Rocket, I’ll have almost all of the ones I want.

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Definitely logging in for that. Was just gonna give up after 10 tries

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Just tried this minute and saw 34 gold so this hotfix for the mount is released tomorrow? Next Tuesday?

This is how it should have been.

Other acceptable answers would be “creating anniversary event TW badge vendor and adding it there”.

But yeah an “anniversary gift” should not feel like you are being punished with RNG.

I don’t mind working for things, but I’d like to feel like I’m making progress towards said thing.

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Was the loot iLvl also fixed? It was announced that the items were supposed to be 226, but they were dropping as 220.

Probably the only negativeof this is that for anyone who wants to fight Doomwalker after the first few days is going to have a rough time because fewer people will be around who dont already have it.


No objections to this change. I also didn’t mind them being lower drop rates. If the mount was 1% that still seems pretty good compared to some other well known holiday bosses.

Thank you very much!

Much appreciated. Guess it saves me the trouble of logging into my numerous alts on a daily basis.

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More the fact it was 4 hours of my day yesterday I can’t get back :stuck_out_tongue:

Like I said, very grateful for this change. I just wish it had been from the start lol.

Not looking forward to logging in 37 toons to hearth them home though :joy: