17th Anniversary Drops Hotfixed

Thank you so much


Won’t stop people from talking tho.

Worked for? What work? You kill the free anniversary event. Were you upset the core hound was 100% from Rag kill? Will you not feel special enough being a player who took part in the 17th anniversary?

Putting something that is RNG in a small event window is just dumb.

Good change Kaivax. Makes the event much more enjoyable and less stressful :smiley:

Well you don’t have to, it still drops unique mogs to specific classes.

How does a racist tw*t that insults the largest part of the customer base (and creates the most unpopular expansion ever) still have a job. Blizzard?

The doomhawk dropped for me but not in my mount list

“It’s a hard knock life” for us.

Not what she actually said.

Wait, what did Ion do?

I’ve handed a loaf of bread to people who were starving. They’d have killed me if I tried to take it back. It was going to feed their kids.

So… you fed a pack of murderers eh? No good deed goes unpunished.

good thing i work day shift lol tim to log in for free stuff

Feel free to show us what she “actually said”, then. Because Asmon showed us all already what Madeleine Roux “actually said”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGTqAknItGs

Is she that Gypsy with the gold capped tooth?
The one with the little shop at 34th and vine?

This. They are even in the same damn family. I get BFA is different. its not even on the chromie time family. Hell for the anniversary wb I had to leave chromie time on a leveling char as no one was on the boss. Came back to real time…okay, there are the 30 people I was expecting to see.

Buts its like…
you for giggles hit up heroic 25 ICC at level 49. Death is certain before boss 1. Tyrion will not be past sentence 1 of his speech before you die.

50 ding. 1 shot trash, maybe 5 shot bosses. And the only difference between these can literally be 1 xp point. the 1 point that got the level 50.

yet legion does not get this.

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why not do this from the start then an make players waste their time with kills for nothing

I’m wrong she didn’t say white men are bad. What she actually said was “White People must be stopped.” So, something that even worse since it’s not just targeting men.

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Shoo troll

The irony being she’s white. Can’t tell where her “white savior” ends and her “white guilt” begins.