175 Shadow Priest LFG

Raided mainly Heroic in Legion, in BFA raided Mythic and cleared up to Jaina but my guild imploded and I quit the game. Raiding in classic for a while and now I’m back on retail. Add me Sulton#1665

Update 12/8/20: Found a home

Sunwell Hotel has multiple groups running out of it. Group 3 is run by a former GM and Raid leader of 8+ years experience. This is a new group fresh for Shadowland. We are looking for players who want to push some mythics. Possibly go semi hardcore in future raids.

We are looking for players that can have completed the first 8 mythic dungeons a minimum of twice before the raid comes out. Minimum ilvl of 180 As well as providing their own food, flask and pots.

Raid Days: Tuesday & Wednesday
Raid Times: 7:30-11 pm Server Time (CT)

BTAG: Jaebabe#1755

Hey - we are an old raiding group that dates back many expansions. Due to the current pandemic, we came back to this game with vengeance and started our guild (On Tha Clocc). We are looking to find a good group of people to enjoy some content together. I am the guild tank at the moment (182 Blood DK). We need a few more people to fill out our core raiding group. We are all above ilvl 180 and are ready to raid tonight. Let us know if you are interested and we can set up and get everything in order for tonight.