Class Tuning Incoming – August 8

I mean lust is not a problem in season 2. Mages bring it, and if mages die enhance shamans will bring it.

I don’t play Shadow, or even Mage.
But those nerfs are crazy, and also crazy unnnecesary.

Shadow priests are not meta because of their damage, not after the crazy AOE nerfs they recently received, it’s because of their support kit while also being dps.

I remember Blizzard refusing to nerf locks mid season because they said they didn’t want to disrupt the way clases were played between seasons. What gives now?


mages scales with sprist+aug+hpal buffs. without aug they will take other dps. and i dont know how mage dps will be after next nerf

Yeah next in line is probably enhance or devastation evoker if aug and mage die. Both of those bring lust.

So from 3 to 4 seconds?

I’ve updated the OP to correct a typo.

  • Paladin
    • Holy
      • Blessing of Summer now causes attacks to deal 20% 25% additional damage as Holy (was 30%).

So only a 5% nerf to Summer.

That’s…not much considering how oppressive of a talent choice that is…

Extrapolate that into 1-70. It adds up for a class that was already a pain to level.

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Has anyone done the math to see just how much this nerf to VT, Shadowy Apparition and SW:Death is going to affect low level players?

Will this nerf make those abilities useless until a certain character level and ilevel are attained?

A 15%-20% reduction at level 70 with i400+ gear is going to be much different than at level 20 with i27 gear.

You should cap the damage on Summer more than anything. H-pals are far ahead of every other healer in damage because of this ability.

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Is this a joke? Surely they’re listening to literally anyone that does high keys and just reverting the nerfs right? Not just being 1% more lenient?


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They won’t do that. Disc shields were allowing raids to completely negate mechanics. That’s why it was changed to begin with.

Guys, y’all really need to rework the Hunter class tree and the marks specific talent tree. It’s been needed as much or more as any of the other reworks and the class as a whole is just not something people are happy with. You’ve got it tuned so high in pvp just to average out against the things it hard counters and is hard countered by. Do the things that have been recommended by feedback so that it doesn’t have to be so polarizing.

buff starsurge

Maybe that 5% healing debuff was a typo too. Or we just implement things without test. Not sure how you nerf the skills then blanket nerf again another week without any testing. Anyway as this forum suggests, job well done.

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Weird considering they been getting buffed quite a bit the last few passes, maybe it’s a you problem

BM hunters still getting ignored despite needing help the most…

still waiting a reply as to why…
its not hard hey kav.

I understand why they did that, However not everyone raids.
If it was really such an issue they should have fixed it instead of removing it.

Oh what’s that!?? You only removes a few scales from my augment wings?

Lol. dances faster and resumes being best of class of blizzards chosen favorite of the gods