Class Tuning Incoming – August 8

It’s becoming more and more apparent that your team has ZERO idea what they need to do with shadow priests

  1. You ignored 99% of all community feedback for the rework
    1a) Than you over simplified our rotation because “hard is bad”
    1b) you removed or forced us to chose between a garbage filler that ties into cool downs or a class defining spell
    1c) you removed Mind Sear, which was our best way to maintain DoT update because god forbid we have more than one insanity spender

  2. than you nerfed our AoE (again) to give us more single target dps (it was a nearly net neutral change)

  3. now your nerfing our damage, utility healing and nerfing San’layn

I get the game is dynamic and complex, but can your class teams actually work together to try to balance stuff instead of just entirely destroying class fantasy for over over simplification, and than not even trying to balance any numbers… All while ignoring ALL feedback you got through the numerous phases of testing


Relentless complaints of lack of healers and lack of utility in all healers but paladin, please make other healers a little better.

Just add more options to all the healers so they are viable. I’m not saying increase their HPS, I’m saying increase the options they have to deal with things (and not long cooldowns either)


Thank you, Blizzard.

Thank you for giving me absolutely no reason whatsoever to continue playing Frost.
You took away my perma Water Elemental, nerfed both Frost AND Fire into a crater, blew that crater up, and salted the earth so nothing could ever regrow. Look, if you wanted me to play Arcane so badly, all you had to do was ask. Murder was an entirely unreasonable response here.

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604 replies. nice job tuning team. was your goal increased forum engagement? because you go it.


Plaese, arms warrior need One target BUFFs. Or even better, remove the nerfs of crit and crit dmg, its a lot of talents what work with crit dmg and they feel really nerfed. Its so hard play againt clasters who make 60k DPS where 40% of his dmg its from DOTS. I mean Bommies dont need to cast and when they cast they kill you instanly, Casters now has too much dot dmg. Fury warrior can do 60k DPS one target on PVP meanwhile they have sharpen effect almost all the time. This meta its nutz. Vs caster amrs warrior its just doing 20k-25k DPS for the casters infinite kite. Maybe a solution can be buffing deep wound dmg like on BFA, Deep wounds dmg its ridiculous, and only see bigger than really its when you use splitskullter. I dont want arms warrior be broken, just need some help in PVP. Looks the high brackets ranked, they are a few arms warrior getting elite.

The Forums tomorrow…

Even after the Nerfs it will still be a lot more fun to Heal as HPal than with every other healer, because it has an answer to everything with Tyra Deliverance and Beacon which has only 15 sec Cooldown.

I hate to say it but playing HPal I enjoy more than my Main Healer right now.

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Wonder how many players will quit WOW because of these nerfs, Bet we’ll never know, they will sweep the numbers under the rug. lol

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So what is “good common sense” then instead of just buffing the class? Considering good common sense and a buff to damage to get us out of 2nd from bottom DPS work hand in hand. Meanwhile DK in both DPS specs and in tank spec have the easiest and most opportune time seeing as theyre both top 5 spots.

People complained too much about the rework and buffs ret got in 10.0.7 and blizzard foolishly listened to them and nerfed us when it wasnt needed. Only fools say ret needed the nerf

Wow, my shadow priest will be put on the shelf for a while :frowning:


Good, shadow priest is viable at EVERY key strength at EVERY level for EVERY affix. Ret paladin got nerfed into the dirt and we didnt even come close to that level of busted

I laughed so much when I read this…

Yes. And don’t forget the scaling. nobody needs ret/prot pala at the moment.

Over 600 comments on this thread obviously people are not happy. But yea keep it going with the Mage nerfs that arent needed, awesome job!


they haven’t trully listened to the community in a LONG TIME. they listen to select people and ask for their feedback. the community means nothing to them even though we are the majority and are the biggest reasons the game is still running.

The nerfs are them “listening” to people complaining about the meta going on. The biggest problem with what was happening was player gatekeeping because they only wanted the meta rather than adjusting as any class can do M+20 which is where the balance should be kept. not at M+25 and higher where select few are at.

Frost Mage is not the meta and they did not need any AOE nerfs.

But overall I get what you mean.

Am I misunderstanding?

So because everyone can physically do 20s the game is balanced. And we need to ignore how laughably easier it is for specific people to accomplish the same thing?


Then youre either a bad troll or too ignorant to anything else than “ret bad, need nerf” caveman mentality. Im also assuming youre one of those people who never actually played ret paladin but got washed by one in pve/pvp content and now claims their busted.


I get how you could take it that way. I’m in no means saying that the balance is good even at M+20 as there are plenty of specs really lacking. However nerfing the meta that’s pushing over 25’s isn’t something they should be focusing on. They should be uplifting specs not breaking them down this late into the season. I get nerfing is “easier” but in the long run is making this final 2-3 months harder to now break the records done and didn’t help a ton of specs who are lacking… just slapped the meta down and random buffed others to make it “look” like they were attempting to help

But to up uplift specs to bring them on par with the meta, would take a complete kit rework of every single spec not meta atm.

What do you think is more viable right this second?

The specs nerfed will most likely STILL be the meta.