15min deserter buff > 15min twink bracket que

Between this and Allied race throw-aways, it looks like a win win.
Activity, and commerce.

Two things Blizzard truly endorses.

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Yea they know what doors they are leaving open


Of course, this is Twinking 8.1.5.

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Twink tears are the tastiest. I can’t believe my 100 level pvp experience will be ruint! Ruint I say!!

I figure if the twink community is this upset, Blizzard did the right thing.


Abstaining from end-game because there’s

sounds a tad like entitlement to me.

I thought the appeal of twinking was that you only needed to gear once, seeing as though everyone is a student or a parent and no one has the time to spend… but you seem perfectly content leveling and gearing, re-leveling and re-gearing to match yourself against disadvantaged players. Even going so far as to spend USD to maintain the high.

Surely then you twink for the community, right? Yes, the wonderful community.



Again what you are seeing is the result of raw emotion being unleashed in the only way some people know how. Take a step back and put yourself in some of these players shoes for a min.

How would you feel if Blizzard took away PvP for your 120 overnight without any warning?

The majority of the xpoff community is not going down this path, most have either moved on to something else or canceled their sub (mine runs out next month) , will be doing IRL stuff instead which is fine, all good things come to an end.

I did however test this method out last night just to see for myself, as I’ve only seen it in practice before.

Created a lvl 10 with the right enchants and buffs and literally destroyed the Alliance in their gy, willfully joined by the rest of the team, they were blood drunk it seemed, non geared levelers I might add.

I didn’t enjoy it and I’m sure the other side didn’t either. Are some people going to get their kicks this way of course. You trying to correlate this to mean the entirety of the twink community is just foolish, uneducated, uninformed and just flat out wrong.

Point is its not a twink problem, it goes deeper than that. If a person with no knowledge of Twink history can just slap some enchants on heirlooms and cheapo gear and destroy a whole team you have a design flaw…

Want to help, check out my other thread and add your 2cents to find a solution that works for all…


Of course it’s always been about curb-stomping the noobs. I know because I had a 29 rogue twink a long time ago. No twink I ever met was in it to never gear again or to join a great community. It was all about the gear advantage and getting your killing blow count up.


Some people just didn’t get the memo I guess. Lots of old school twinkers had an unwritten rule, don’t GY camp and don’t hold the flag to prolong games. Battlegrounds meant something when you fought against the best of the best back in those days…


Then you haven’t met many twinks. Back when I actively played this toon ( during WotLK/Cata, you can see it hasn’t been updated since then :frowning: ) the community was fantastic and we blacklisted anyone who played like an a-clown. This included graveyard farming, verbal abuse or just having a crap attitude. Did this stop people? Of course not, but it definitely made people think twice before doing things. The problem is the vocal minority make it appear as though twinks are running rampant one shotting everyone and camping the GY every game. Having leveled a toon to 71 and a toon to 90 recently, I think I had either of these things happen like 5-6 times.


Any twink infested game I ever played resulted in a WSG GY camp or they’d force you to the middle and just destroy you there.

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I can’t say what the communities are like anymore nor can I comment on your experience. I definitely got pushed to the GY a few times and “one shot” a few times, but out of the ~30 or so games I’ve played recently it’s only happened 5-6 times that I can remember. But those same things happen at 120 ( where they really shouldn’t… ) and will continue to happen with the same frequency while leveling. You’ll just have people like me in fully enchanted gear while leveling instead of twinks.



Since when did they have to force anyone to the middle? Most people run straight there out the gate, ignoring objectives, ignoring the EFC even if s/he runs right through the middle of them.

If people tried to play the game, doing objectives, the other team would be on D, not grouping up to push them to the GY.

It’s because gray/white gear has no stats. It wasn’t intended to be competitive gear. An easy fix wpuld be to set a minimum ilvl to join a bg.

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Of this, I have no doubt

This is a disaster, i never thought of quitting. Never…till now.

That is exactly what is happening now.
10-19s Xpon did not pop after a good 8 hrs of being farmed over and over again.
That queue is the slowest it has ever been in BFA, players refuse to queue.
15 min duration, which ends in a tie (If lucky) sucks. :neutral_face:


I don’t like gy camping and roflstomping nubs gets boring. What I did enjoy was countering the twinks on the opposing team and getting a victory for my faction lvlers.

Same, which is why I used to mainly play healers. I was also going to gear up a flag carrier. I did have a guilty pleasure mage for times when healing started to feel more like a chore though. Even so, I played the objectives.

Now, it’s w/e if I can even get a queue to pop.

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I was gearing a healer too. Now I guess she’s just gonna sit for awhile.

Have you noticed the mass migration to 20s?
Fastest Twink queues in World of Warcraft are done from a free to play inactive sub account.
F2P 20s have the option to queue into XPon or XPoff if grouped with correct friends.

Full out “Twinking vs Levelers” and it is supported by subscription inactivity.

Brilliant accounting department, right?


This was so true. Not sure how far back you played but I used to play with a well know flag carrying pally named Natethegrate. We never gy camped. Even a guild I joined after, Onslaught. We finished a game quickly and setting up matches against Horde twink guilds was the best part of pvp.