15min deserter buff > 15min twink bracket que

This was so true. Not sure how far back you played but I used to play with a well know flag carrying pally named Natethegrate. We never gy camped. Even a guild I joined after, Onslaught. We finished a game quickly and setting up matches against Horde twink guilds was the best part of pvp.

Firstly I am not one of the people who is joining a BG with xpon and then afking St the end. However, even without another toon to play, I can understand waiting 15min for queue and then having a 30 or even 60 minute debuff, when that’s still faster then NEVER getting a BG, which is the case for most level brackets.

Twinks exist, enough that people decided they were so big of a problem, but not enough where unless we all happen to line up more than Methods raid roster, we won’t get to PvP.

So with the current system, can you understand why people who want to play the game this way (specifically low[ER] level, high end gear PvP) would be willing to XPon and afk or make “throw away” X9s?

Started twinking in 2006 - 19’s Bloodlust Battlegroup, “Tichondrius is not for you” all the way.

Hmm. Almost ever BG I have ever played since the beginning, people always tunnel vision to the middle, twink or no twink.
And GY camping still happens.
Saw the horde get GY locked 2 nights ago in a BFG by a rogue and a paladin wearing just heirlooms.
They never left to Bg and queued again a few times, and leveled, so not likely twinks.
Twinks get blamed for a whole lot of stuff they aren’t actually doing.

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Usually, a twink or two will grab the flag and keep it in the middle with a pocket healer. It happened so many times when I used to level in the BG’s or use my own 29 back in the day, and I’ve seen it lately.

Whether or not it was part of an unwritten code in the past… those days are gone. It’s one thing to lose, it’s another thing when a few guys in god mode are standing in the middle refusing to win.

This is a shame, I was looking at this bracket due to the high activity and availability… but my sub has 3 days left, and I have to strategically build it out quick and then deliberately not resub if I actually want to play with the 20s. I can’t stay subbed and queue with them—if I am XP on I outlevel it, if XP off I’m in a different queue. I’d like to keep my sub active to play some at 120 and play my low bracket characters, and the 8.1.5 change is forcing me to choose between the two—encouraging me to strategically unsub.

They will, when the next content comes out my end game toon will be undergeared and I gotta do it again.

Precisely, for the casual low level Battleground consumer, there are two nice options which are being promoted.
Free to play Vet lvl 20 Twinks vs General Population,
(arguably fastest queues in game)
Legion account 110 (Mythic Raid etc.) We get to relive that awesome full expansion feeling for BIS, and queues work.