15 renown for flying is ridiculous

And all the threads for the next 2 months would have some form of “PF pay to win” in their titles. Some people just live to complain.

We as a WoW community can be and do better. But I agree that attacking disabled players is just wrong.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


And the whining about potential possible future whiners that the game needs to be designed to piss off and make them want to quit would never stop. Because you wouldn’t let it.

They only exist to annoy you.

Not really true. The price in Cata to fly was half Wotlk. The cost was always arbitrary, whatever Blizz wanted it to be. In MoP it was 5k, about what we made leveling, but I believe that’s also what I spent in BC.

It was 5K to fly in MoP…as you said its quite true you basically make enough though questing though the zones to max level …you have enough to pay for the flying…why I said Bully on those that complained paying for flying broke them…it wouldn’t if you paid attention.


Yeah, I don’t understand folks that claim it would be 300k or something. They’re just making up numbers and saying inflation without looking at how the cost was determined in the past. It’s a terrible argument with no basis.

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Yeah I never had a issue paying for my flight training when we had too pay gold to fly…always made enough though leveling up to have gold ready to pay…I much prefer we go back to that too instead of the stupid pathfinder mess.


I always thought playing an adventure game was to have an adventure. It does take time to do things. There used to be danger in the world and if one messed up there was a penalty for it of some sort or added stress. Used to have to crowd control in dungeons or it was a wipe. Making gold for that one item was a goal. Players had to figure out ways around obstacles. Yes, there used to be a grind to get things instead of the need it now, want it now, they got it so should I attitude. It was playing the game.

Maybe one day we can all log in and press one “I win” button and get everything in the game so we can log out again.

Players should be able to use an old flying mount. Players should be able to use old flying in the new areas. But it should come in some form of a price be it gold, questing or whatever.

Not to be rude but you essentially said “I didn’t play the game and now I’m mad because I dont get the reward people who have played get.”

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I hardly play and I have it
its not hard

You’d have a point if dragon riding wasn’t handed out with the first 30 minutes of getting to the dragon islands.

That wasn’t “earned” dragon rider was handed out. Meanwhile those of us that want to use our old-style mounts or who can’t fly have to put in extra effort to “earn” something just to do what we want to do?


That plan isn’t working.

Lets people choose.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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You only have to play the game to get the renown. So, unless you only play PvP, M+ or Raids (weird!) It’s not really a roadblock (though earning renown through those activities should be part of the game).

It’s a more controlled alternative to dragon flying, however, if you don’t want it then it shouldn’t bother you.

As it stands now though, they’ve removed the renown specifications.
Personally, I think it’s rather pathetic how they caved in so easily to the petulant whining of the spoiled, but it is what it is!

Rep/renown should have never been a part of pathfinder to begin with. Exploration yes I can see that and the main story chains too. But rep/renown should have never been required at all even as far back as WoD.


New players are not the ones complaining about dragonriding.

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They could easily make rep/renown the amount you are expected to get via the main story lines.

That would work too. But don’t make it an excessive grind there is no need for that. I was renown 7-8 with all factions by the time I finished the main storylines. That I have no issue with.

pathfinder should never have existed…


This type of thinking is beyond stupid
people without legs I am sure want to run or even walk
imagine what people without arms or hands want to do
this game is not all about you
people play or want to play
but on the blizz take it is silly to put mounts or flying to any extent behind a wall
if you want a game to be enjoyable it would be easier to just let the players have the comforts without the flogging