15 renown for flying is ridiculous

Really starting to believe Ion and Co are so adamant about using Dragonriding because it’s something they created, and since old flying wasn’t they don’t like it. They seem to have an unhealthy hatred towards old flying and the players that prefer it. As much as I don’t like seeing people have their lives ruined, a very small part of me is hoping they kill this game and end up losing their jobs.


I didn’t miss the point. I play a druid. I’d like to use my flight form again. But it still doesn’t impact me the same as it does those who can’t even dragonride.


Where did I say this?


I think it likely they just don’t want to hear the endless whining that old-school flying is too slow.

Which is absolutely coming.


Sure flat fee of 5 tokens? People assume the flat fee would be cheap nowadays. I could see some mechagnome tinker who sells the “unlock” for normal mount flying in DF land and it costs like 950k gold.

Look at what they did with the t3 armor… 2.8 mil minimum for full set just in vendor mats



Renown 15 did not take that long.

I think pathfinder is stupid, but my god the forums are overdramatic about how “difficult” renown is.


You’re arguing that Pathfinder is unfair to new users. Said users won’t have hundreds of mounts to choose from so this argument in your case really holds no water.

Rank 15 renown is much less rep than it took to reach Exalted in the past.

Honestly the new pathfinder is hands down the easiest it’s ever been, with the bonus being that you’ve already got flight so doing the tasks is easier.


Its not fast to get your Loamm rep to 15. The others are.


Let’s see.

10.1 released on May 2
I hit renown 20 (which you DON’T have to get) on June 13. And I wasn’t even trying. A friend of mine who’s far more of a completionist got it May 30. So less than a month. And that’s for TWENTY, which you don’t have to get.

Seems pretty fast to me.


no its not , If it takes months then you dont really want it , do teh things you need to do to get it and with all teh bonus reps available it doesnt take long at all to get to 15 , new player or old

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The best part is when the jokers who got dragonriding day one come in here pretending this PF trash is now ok, lmao


Ion being Ion.
Ion proving beyond argument that hes the same as he was when he was giddy about removing flight in WoD and was certain the player base would love the idea.
Ion is so far out of touch with players I dont know how the man is still running anything at this point.

This particular pathfinder only really affects lesser abled players. The rest of us have had DRing since hour one.
Its digusting.


how fast was Dragonriding that you got day one? lmao.
PF shouldnt exist, especially in this expansion where those of us who cAN handle DRing have been flying since the first hour it went live.

blah blah blah…you had DRing hour ONE of release. youre in no position to criticize those who waited all this time for normal flight only to be told THEY have to do work YOU DIDNT HAVE TO, lmao


My guess is it didnt take long to form goups to do the elite killing quests.

Ive only ever once had a group and there were 3 of us to do those quests.

Ive only done a couple of Researchers and a couple of groups to kill the rares - but I dont think they give rep.

Generally its only bot farmers going from node to node that I see.


Good news:

Dragonriding is still available


only ION can make any sense of this joke, Im sure.
DRing hour ONE of release…then those who had trouble with DRing wait damned near a year and NOW theyre told they have to put in work WE never put it for DRing.
only Ion can think this crap up.


I pretty much did it solo. I play late at night on the west coast.

perma blocked…troll someone else with the being obtuse thing.
you KNOW what the damned point is here…


The reality is PF is in an insult this time more than any previous incarnation.
WE had DRing the first damned hour of release…those of us who can handle it, dont have any handicaps causing us problems with it.

I love how the trolls keep bombarding threads on this topic with that crap about getting PF by playing the game while THEY were flying around problem free the first hour.
The arrogance is nauseating.


I don’t understand your point. To get pathfinder everyone has to reach the same achievement goals. I will be unlocking Pathfinder anyway. Both because I want to but also because one would naturally get it just by actively playing the game.

The custom group finder is a fantastic tool to use to kill rares in the Caverns. It will be even busier now/soon after the launch of the new patch as people go there for rep.