I have 15 80s. They have all attempted the Gobfather, the new world boss in undermine.
No drops.
Is this par for the course, because I’m wondering why I should continue to play?
I have 15 80s. They have all attempted the Gobfather, the new world boss in undermine.
No drops.
Is this par for the course, because I’m wondering why I should continue to play?
We all got drops every time we killed him. Only tried once. Never thought about it again since I only go for pvp gear.
No, you’re right, my first attempt (cloth wearer) got plate gear. Then the other 14 got nothing.
I don’t know why this is appropriate? Is the world boss a world boss with a chance at gear, or is it a lottery ticket?
I killed him on two toons, first one got a war bound drop second one got nothing.
It kind of is par for the course. The Gobfather has a loot table like all world bosses, 642 iLv in his case but the drops are RNG. There is also a chance to drop a lower level Warbound item of gear that is not necessarily for your class / spec. All I can say is do it weekly and eventually you will probably get something. Or maybe you’ll be like my hunter who didn’t get a world boss drop for two whole expansions. Gotta love that RNG.
Okay, turns out they changed the system this time around. See the Undermined Update note. The one drop on the first kill makes yet another aspect of the game redundant for alts though, so no point doing it 15 times if you’re hoping for more loot, I guess.
Drops are rng based , no different than say a dungeon or raid boss giving you nothing but gold. You are never guaranteed a drop from a world boss.
I’m laughing at the thought of you leveling and playing 15 toons just to do world bosses
We’re limited to one random warbound item from the first kill per account per week from The Gobfather.
ya this is dumb, should be gear for the toon it killed it on, each toon gets a peace of gear they can use
Blizz made it recently to where your run for getting drop is now shared across your entire battlenet account. At least that is what they claim. I hope that is not true.
Honestly I feel bad for the person who has 1 character and gets the wrong type of gear. What are they going to do with it? smh
I got a soulbound trinket when I killed him on my first character, didn’t get a BoW, and haven’t gotten anything on my 2 alts. I don’t know what’s up with it.
Personal Loot has an 80% chance of nothing
That is just ridiculous.
You didn’t get loot on the first week so now you are thinking about quitting? Adios don’t let the door hit you on the way out. I got 640 something warbound mail legs I vendored on my only kill lol sucks to be you sounds like karma rewarding you for your poor attitude
I got warbound plate boots as a mage. It will probably come in handy down the road but for now it’s going in the bank lol
Vendor it and move on y’all act like you gonna die if you don’t get loot froma. World boss lol
You are confused, I was talking about other people as clearly stated. You can read it again.
I have one of each class at 80, I’m not lacking in uses.
And I’m STILL doing it on everyone cause it’s an easy complete for the weekly quest for a chest.
I’m aware. You said what would they do with it so I said vendor it… I don’t need to re read it lol your scenario is literally my experience and I’m not bothered by it. People in this thread are whiners.
And I said I feel bad for them.
Personally I value my time and if I only had one character to get gear for it would be stupid.
Bliz does not value my time nor yours… now if you don’t value your time, as seems to be the case, I can see why you are whimsical about the outcome. However, most of us have limited time in the day and I imagine those who only have one character likely have just enough time to work on that character, you know, the one not being rewarded for playing.
It’s not even an argument at that point. If you don’t value your time no one cares, we are talking about those who do. So what you have to say is just irrelevant to the conversation.