People don’t get drops? Weird.
Everyone gets one guaranteed warbound piece each week, 1 toon per warband
Never ever ever ever ever rely on world boss for gear. Just setting yourself up for disappointment.
Everyone is guaranteed a warbound loot item drop the first kill of the week. Heck I got plate chest on this guy. XP
People like you are what leads to this game getting worse and worse. Rpgs clearly aren’t for you. Saying you value your time isn’t some blanket excuse you get to use. Time is spent regardless of what you are doing in game. It’s all video game time. You can say you need an upgrade to feel productive but that has nothing to do with time overall. Again you are playing the wrong genre. You are not meant to get an upgrade every time you kill something.
Yeah…They leveled all 15 just for this event AhHahahaHahaHah …ha.
It is 100% appropriate… It is warbound so 100% make sense.
Just did this world boss and damn well get a Leather piece on this toon…I mean dang …
Pretty sure he’s just got a weekly drop account wide, mainly to stop guilds from farming him.
Really? I made the game worse and worse? That’s amazing, I work for Bliz then!
Who said everyone should get upgrades every time they kill something? You are really grasping for straws there, buddy.
Since my way of gearing is through M+ I obviously do not get gear every time I kill something, try harder. Thanks.
Also cry less, it’s really unattractive for men to be so whiny. Yesh.
So why did you inaccurately and falsely label the thread with the title of zero drops when you in fact got a drop?
It seems to completely invalidate everything that you’re saying.
And I only have 1 toon and got a loot from Gobfather.
Yup, RNG is RNG. What I noticed was… we did it on Midnight with fewer people and it so happened I outdps every scrubs in there… maybe my dice is more loaded and luckily, I won.
a warbound till equipped item drops on first kill one time a week…which means 1 drop per account and its not guaranteed to even be gear for the toon your currently using. Its rng for the item, bonus stats, and now an extra 1/4 chance of being the right weight.
Id like some pepper for my rng salt bags please
It was announced a week or so ago .
100% drop of warbound gear from first kill of the week and thats it . no point in doing it on multiple toons
Serious question : how do you pepole survive in this game without doing your research
They really need more in-game transparency about what is once a week per warband.
I think some rare recipes from weekly events may also work this way, but they’ve never said anywhere that I’ve seen and it doesn’t give you any indication of this in-game.
Your first character got a drop. It’s one Warbound piece a week per account.
Vendor it or disenchanted it. Which is more than we ever got from a world boss in the past.
hard disagree there . With all the changes that occur in teh game you would be constantly bombarded with messages . I do NOT want that .
It takes a minute to check Wowhead for relevant information
The world boss at least shows it’s all Warbound gear. Not sure if there’s tooltip info on the world quest for him that explains it, though.
Oh yeah, the gear I looted from Gobfather is warbound but since it’s a necklace that can be used by many specs/classes on our warband, I decided to use it myself. My warband toons are inactive anyway since Season 1.