Please fix your servers
Customer Support are not involved with server maintenence or server problems. They can tell you if they are aware of the issue and if the correct team is investigating and trying to resolve the issue, but they aren’t involve with the servers directly.
EDIT: Fixed for added information
Customer support not responsible for customer complaints classic fyi this isnt a technical issue the servers are dying constantly i have been disconnected due to world server down 78 times today it makes me want to cancel my sub and find another game where this doesnt happen
The Customer Support Forum is not Customer Support. It’s a Player to Player help desk with occasional help from a SFA Blue (Support Forum Agent).
That being said it’s pretty much impossible to prevent a DDOS attack, by its very nature using millions of bots, unless you have an obscene amount of bandwidth. Which is economically unfeasible for Blizzard compared to a company like Steam (300+ million users).
It seems the DDOS attacks were targeting the Race to World First (which is over now) and OnlyFang’s Hardcore raids (which they are disbanding it seems).
How about not allowing thousands of connections at once? Make a protocol that if x number of connections come in it goes to server queues instead of letting the servers die over and over and over… leveling a toon fresh i was on layer 10 in sod that hasn’t happened in months so clearly its a issue of letting people in instead of making the bottle neck at login
You would be surprised what the servers can handle even the best system cant handle everything.
If you have a suggestion, then please provide it in a more appropiate area where the team responsible can review that suggestion, such as the In-Game Tool or via General Discussion Forums.
If that were the case why is it you never hear of these things with other games or services… it seems to be a weekly or monthly thing with blizzard
Hundreds of Thousands of players log in right after maintenance is over on Tuesdays (or any time we have maintenance or a massive patch for that matter).
WoW may only need a bandwidth of 10 million or so (bandwidth costs go up exponentially as you need more). When a DDOS attack uses that many bots you’re going to clog the system. The fact that they tend to stop and recover from a DDOS attack in around 2 hours is pretty impressive.
As compared to a platform like Steam which could have 300+ million people on at a given time, 10 million bots trying to DDOS steam is like a drop in the bucket and in ineffective.
It’s happened a few times with FFXIV in the past year. As well as other games.
You probably don’t hear about it because you don’t play those games that were effected OR the DDOS attack was during low pop count times so it inconvenienced only a small number of the playerbase.
Because the past few weeks we had the Race to World First and OnlyFangs high profile raids being streamed. Which the DDOS attacks seemed to target both.
There really isn’t a minute that goes by without an attack going on somewhere.
There are over 60 DDoS events occuring at the moment.
Those would be called single-player games, but even those aren’t 100% safe. Literally no always-online game is exempt from this.
I reckon because you’re not willing to look at the larger reality of internet gaming, and are instead focusing on Blizzard being a large target this month.
FFXIV had a DDOS attack last month, SWTOR had some server issues last month, ESO had a DDOS attack about two months ago. Playstation Network had an outage for roughly 24 hours last month. Steam had a massive attack back in August. Xbox had an outage three weeks ago.
Heck, even Call of Duty had an outage ten days ago.
If you aren’t hearing about it, it’s because you don’t want to hear about it. They’re all well-documented.
Well, Joruuscbáoth, the facts are the volume of modern DDOS’ are such that no one can fully mitigate them. There is just no way, not with current tech/internet.
And, these attacks happen all over the planet, all the time.
That’s what Ekon was trying to get across.
If nation states get involved in doing this (it’s just small fry atm), there won’t be an internet to play on.
Thems the facts.
Getting mad at Blizz for being the victim of some anksty script kiddies hiring out an illegal service or three, isn’t very productive.
The more ya know…
Tell me you know nothing about how networks work without saying you know nothing about how networks work. Nobody “allows” connections, lol.
Oh well, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen someone think DDOS’s are people logging into the game (or are even people with accounts).
This line of thinking is equivalent to someone saying you can stop floods by just not allowing the water in.
It’s not thousands of connections, it’s likely well north of 50 million connections a second from millions of different computers, smart devices, or things like Android phones which people haven’t bothered to secure. These packets are all designed to look legitimate, and many have US IP addresses, even though the attacks are driven by large criminal and government agencies outside of the US.
So no a ban on foreign IP addresses would do nothing. Also Firewalls and routers, while helping, still have capacity issues, which is why most mitigation for DDOS attacks often occurs outside the perimeter by blocking the traffic at external routers before the traffic can even get to the company.
You simply can’t stop a large scale DDOS attack, even companies like Amazon have limitations on what they can do and the most common way the hinder attacks is they simply out scale them by having so much bandwidth available that most DOS attacks simply fail, but even with all that bandwidth, some have significant impact.