135F average temp

Friendly reminder to look at where China is on those charts while we continue self flagellation.


I donā€™t live in China, and I never made an argument that China shouldnā€™t curb their GHGs. This is the common conservative gotcha argument which is akin to ā€œbut so and so is doing it.ā€

Lolā€¦ bets on how quickly this thread is gonna get 404ed now that weā€™re slinging politics. 30 minutes?

Conclusion: Launch a couple of hundred MIRV nukes to depopulate China and India. Problem solved.

This thread is like Old Manā€™s War and Termination Shock rolled into one.

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It started off fun enough. Then peeps got all serious about being finite creatures and whoā€™s to blame for finite creature problems.

100% not ā€œwhataboutism.ā€ Seriously take a look at GHG emissions over time, both by amount and trajectory. Nothing can be done without China making enormous changes or agreeing to some form of framework. The US has actually done quite a bit to at least plateau things, but we still beat ourselves up over things daily while China is out there burning coal like itā€™s going out of style.

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Ironically - it is.

Iā€™m well aware of what the emissions are, Iā€™ve read the literature very closely. Iā€™m also aware that U.S. policy doesnā€™t generally dictate what China does or doesnā€™t do in relationship to their emissions.

The U.S doesnā€™t do NEAR enough on their end, so until the U.S. actually takes energy policy seriously I can and will criticize it. If you want specific examples I can list them.

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You are confusing my argument as saying that the US can do whatever it wants until China plays ball.

What is the total emissions we need to get down to by 2030? In billions of tons of CO2.

Use logic.

Most of this planet's heat comes from the sun. Fluctuations in Solar activity affect weather and climate. Meteorology 101.

Just because a game developer is trained and paid to develop video games, doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re any good at it. Just because a scientist is trained and paid to do scientific research doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re any good at it. Bunk scientists produce bunk science. When it comes to climate change (or whatever other flavorful terminology is being used to describe it), there are credentialed scientists on both sides of the argument.

Suggesting that solar cycles donā€™t affect temperature is like suggesting that the earth is flat. Are there ā€œscientific studiesā€ to ā€œproveā€ that the earth is flat? Yep, you betcha.

Use logic.

It is bunk science, the author of the original study literally retracted his work lmfao. Go read the article.

please link modern day study that suggests this.

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This is not a concern when Superman can just fly around the world really fast in reverse and putting everything back to normal. Not even a nuclear explosion on the san andreas faultline will disrupt our way of life. Fact.

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[citation needed]

itā€™s in the climate, which takes into account weather in places that arenā€™t just where you live

Do you happen to have his phone number by chance? I have a neighborhood kitten up in a tree and my extension ladder is not tall enough. My fire department is too busy/understaffed AND I donā€™t have a trailer to haul a trampoline home with if the kitteh decides to jump.

I am kidding. There are no cats in danger at the time of this post.

The funny thing about flat earthers is that the ancient Greeks accurately calculated the circumference of the Earth over 2,000 years ago.

But math is hard for people.


Iā€™m incredibly jealous.

What is winter like for you guys? I may need to pack up and get out of Satinā€™s armpit here in Tx.

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It is not hard, it is biased. That is why you watch Fox News and other reliable sources not the propaganda channels/programs.

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Egyptians too. Itā€™s ironic to me because there seems to be an overlap in people who believe the pyramids were built by aliens, but they canā€™t conceive they knew about the Earthā€™s circumference.