That is the projected average temperature in the southwest US within 5 years.
Wonder if my home value is going to go up in phoenix.
That is the projected average temperature in the southwest US within 5 years.
Wonder if my home value is going to go up in phoenix.
given how hot arizona is i doubt anyone will be hooked on phoenix.
Could be a problem. Paid 750K for this house and its getting hotter.
guess you could say its a hot market!
maybe someone will strike while the irons hot and buy your house.
This may cause some heated debate on housing prices though.
Just have to get an air conditioner … for your air conditioner. Then just never leave the house.
Wait… what’s the allure of living in the desert that would make me want to do that in the first place??
is this in a city or out in the country?
repeated pun offenses
Get out! (Fellow cute Draenei)
City of phoenix. Projected average daily temps of 135F in 5 years over 150F by 2050
Well, for one thing, that’s where you find the spice, and the spice is valuable. You just have to be wary of wormsign and your moisture levels.
Horizon: Zero Dawn has lore alluding to an event called the “Hot Zone Crisis” which starts, in part, due to the American Southwest reaching extreme temperatures as a first step. It’s interesting to me how some elements of that game’s “past” (essentially our present a few decades from now) seem like they could actually end up playing out in reality.
Let’s just hope the AI trend doesn’t spread to machines that can build themselves.
Whoever wrote that doesn’t understand how temperature works. lol
It doesn’t just “keep getting hotter.”
Whoever wrote that is in the same group of people that, when you tell them we’re in grave danger if the average global temperature goes up 3 deg C, they say “oh… pfft that’s not so bad.”
Am I supposed to do the whole " we’re technically in an ice age!" line or is someone else doing it?
will happen when the AI replaces humans down the line
i seen some of that like in the Europe hot for a few days and then it cools back down
but my best one i saw was the dusting they got and cleaned out the stores lol
well they say climate change is a hoax by the international bankers
Whatever “expert” came up with that is a sensationalist liar. Probably paid good money to say that.
and I find it uncomfortably hot when it hits 70 here…
I’ve never understood why anyone would want to live in a place where it gets unbearably hot and water is scarce.
Water is not scarce here. I turn on my tap and it comes just like anywhere else.
I wonder if you’re going to have water
Yeah but have you read about the water-rights battle in the Southwest?