I started raiding kind of late this tier, but still was able to earn CE!
Didn’t mesh well with guild, though. So I decided to call it after first kill.
I thought finding another guild would be easy! I joined my friend who was in an 11/12m guild and re-progressing on Nzoth burned me out so hard. I had more faith in this guild to progress steadily but it was not going well and my friend also quit, lol. I didn’t really care I was re-progressing for his sake.
I don’t really have many steady people to rely on/play with in this game.
It makes it hard to stay interested.
But I really do enjoy helping others.
I’m not trying to join a progressing-in-nyalotha guild again or anything, but looking for someone who could use a relatively ok healer for just about anything lmao. Doing carries would be legit cause I’m always in need of gold.
I do like raiding a lot, not much of a pvper, but I’m too burnt to progress/wipe on bosses I’ve already killed, this late into the xpac.
I also like to run M+! but again, no friends. Lmao.
Pugging is a nightmare. However patient I may be, it has a limit.
I have pretty geared off specs, too, just a little behind on buying corruption traits, mostly for prot.
I have multiple CE achievements from the past, too. I just haven’t been super into this xpac lol. My last stable guild was from the end of legion, and everything’s been awful since then. Trying to pug or find fun people to raid with.
Logs if curious, I’m def not a god or anything and I was still learning the fights since I started raiding so late. We locked out the raids each week to get closer to/stay on nzoth.
My logs are better in the past xpacs, I suppose that has a bit to do with how much I enjoyed even being at raid. I was very competitive yet friendly with my fellow raiders. This past xpac I kind of stopped caring through progression twice. I last raided Uldir and kinda did the same thing. Got cutting edge and called it with the guild I was in after first kill.
I know I’ve typed this like a very boring person but I am so far from that.
-I have a high tolerance for bs and extensive patience
-I’m not easily offended, you will actively have to try to upset me
-I have one brain cell and it is used for memes usually
-Just trying to have a good time and let others enjoy things, too.
-Okay maybe I am boring I can’t think of anything else to add currently
-I actually type like a giant rtard in game
-has crippling depression and spends too much time escaping to this game :^)
msmisery#1675 bnet
msmisery#0001 discord
I’m an open book so honestly if you just want to chat or have any questions I’m happy to oblige