About Me: I’m a returning player with a long history of clearing Mythic content. I’ve been playing WoW off and on for 15 years now. I was most recently a raid leader throughout Legion, leading my 6 hour a week guild to CE in NH & Antorus (Damn KJ to hell, 5% before 7.3). I took a 2 year break after Argus, and returned to the game in April. Within 3 months I caught my character up, and full cleared Mythic with my old guild. My guild’s roster is full for Shadowlands so I am amicably seeking a new home to continue clearing Mythic in SL.
What I’m looking for: I’d preferably like a 6 hour a week guild with similar success at achieving CE. Preferred raid days are Sun-Thurs. I like to have my weekends to myself. Faction and server do not matter.
*My logs may not look great having returned to the game mid-tier and learned M Nya during farm. I’d ask consideration for my history of clearing content, and historical 90%+ parses WoD-Legion. TLDR: I’m good when I actually progress content.
Hey there Sevroaubarca,
I’d love to talk with you about your needs if you feel like we’re a potential fit! Hit me up on Discord of BNET.
Guild: Meta
Needs: Currently recruiting any/all exceptional players
Raid Times: Tues/Thurs/Sun 8-11PM CST (server)
Meta is a new guild on US-Illidan looking to recruit active members in order to push into Heroic & Mythic Castle Nathria for Shadowlands.
We are looking for people who not only log on to raid, but who are socially active, enjoy running keys, and bring a good attitude with them. We expect our players to have good situational awareness, knowledge of class(es) played, and a willingness to improve and work towards our progression based goals. Current leadership are 9-10/12M Nya’Alotha raiders with previous CE experience.
We realize finding great synergism with people takes time and are looking for those who are OK with working from the ground up. If this sounds like something that interests you, please feel free to hit me up!
GM BNET: Tellie#11987
GM Discord: Tellie#2200
BNET: Deconblade#1700
Discord: Jormac#2056
Hey Sevroaubarca!
I’m a member of an 11/12 M Guild on Area 52. We’re a recently reformed under this name for the purpose of creating a more serious raiding guild with the goal of getting CE every tier in SL and we’re currently progging Nzoth. Our leadership has past CE experience and we have a great core of people so we’re looking for like-minded individuals to join us.
We currently raid 2 nights a week, Tues/Thurs from 9pm-12am EST. We will occasionally add a 3rd night during prog if necessary. We are a pretty chill group of people who also enjoy spending time together outside of raid pushing keys, casual pvp and more.
We work hard to ensure the raid and guild environment are positive, we’re all there to push ourselves and have a good time and we don’t want to lose sight of that. I would love to speak with you more, if this interests you and seems to be what you are looking for in a guild then add my Btag and send me a message! 