120s in my 119 bracket?

It seems like 120s in my 119 bracket is a huge problem.

I just returned after a long hiatus and was wondering how this is acceptable?

is there a blizzard post explaining this anywhere I can seem to find anything but this seems extremely broken.

I’m curious about this too. I believe there are people who enter lower brackets via whatever grouping mechanism was put in place to allow people to player together, but it seems absolutely broken.

My warrior in this bracket has about 44k HP in heirlooms. I’m going up against players with 180k+ HP, and absolutely zero way to kill them.

180k+? oh thats not party sync.

That seems like a former 110 twink leveling or someone that took time to farmed Mystic Antorus for bis gear.

Skip the bracket problem solved.

Shadowlands is not that far off it wont be a issue anymore after that anyway

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It actually probably is party sync, probably a tank with stamina well fed buff + fortitude buff, maybe some other health increasing things. Party sync is massively overtuned in that bracket. Healers heal for insane amounts. I kept getting hit by 40-60k chaos bolts. At least those are interruptable vs the aimed shot 60k crit I got hit with once and the 27k on average aimed shots, with rapid shot lowering my health greatly. This was with 100-110k hp by the way. Against one or two of them its difficult but manageable. Vs a premade without a premade on your side you don’t stand a chance. With the exp buff going on, most of the levelers have 30-40k, with the highest at 60k. Without two strong healers they won’t stand a chance against it, and with a premade not even then. I don’t mind defending twinking, but this is ridiculously balanced on par or worse than 20s. I also don’t really support premades, but especially don’t when there are not equal amounts to balance it out. In comparison a fully decked out 119 tank maybe could reach that hp, and abyssal potion only heals for like 140-150k. 110s with all 340s would likely not even get close to that hp.

The horde premades/120s play later at night, while the alliance premades/120s play earlier in the day. Either way it results in 120s farming 119s, because it really favors 120s in the scaling for some reason in that bracket. if 119s could enter that bracket it would be much more fair but they can’t.

Here is a mostly geared 119 for comparison.

It’s not “problem solved” when I enjoy leveling up via BGs, but can’t do so because I get stomped down by 120s.

Leveled up almost every allied race and as others have said its only an issue in 2 brackets and even at 119 when there’s only 1 of them it’s not a huge issue only when there’s a group but premades usually stomp pugs anyway. It’s more so a issue with the broken specs. Blizzard cant even balance max lvl dont know why you expect low lvl to be any different. They should work on max lvl over that

Sounds like the 111-119 bracket has been quite competitive, with premade vs premade activity.
For the players who prefer “Templates” this is a perfect opportunity to showcase that great “Skill” displayed from template characters.

After all, 111-119 bracket may be the highest (Spells, Abilities etc.) most balanced in terms of gearing thanks to the Sync Template.

Isn’t this what everyone wanted?

what? no not at all its completely broken - it really is simple - a level 120 should not be able to compete against level 111-119 toons. they just dont scale down enough.

Normally I would agree with you kang, but the premades rarely play against each other from what i’ve seen. I dont think its about templates, it just about plain balancing them out. They are almost at ramstein levels of broken in terms of balancing at that bracket, and most people agreed that needed some sort of nerf or rework or any change. This is normal in very low level brackets, but extremely strange to occur in 119, the bracket right before max level.

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Saw a DH in the 40s bracket once. That was a fun…

Well a Synced 120 vs a Synced 120 is Template vs Template, seems like a balance.
End game abilities, spells etc. and minimal end game gear grind necessary, I am surprised it is not more popular tbh.

This is for the “That takes class” challenge.
1 BG 1 Achievement on a fresh character 10-20. :wink:

ahhh ok, just threw me off when I saw a dude double jumping all willy nilly.

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They are training us for Shadowlands. :rofl:

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180k isn’t possible unless its an actual 119 twink. my 119 prot war is 295ilvl and only has 102k. he’s geared for his level but i don’t call it a twink. real 119 twinks are over 350 ilvl. ill bring one into 111-119 tonight

you get stomped while pvp leveling because you out level your gear. there is no other reason.

Eh but thats a lower hp tank. Im pretty sure a blood dk or a vengeance dh could get up there(at least 130-150k) if it focused on hp. You will likely still have some difficulty vs multiple 120s on your 119 if they are set up with class, spec, and consumables correctly. It will be nice when 405 ilvl gear becomes available next anniversary, especially if its before the ilvl squish.