1.2 Million viewers watching Lost Ark

Was not expecting nearly this much activity.

Games looks very good to my eyes.

Most likely won’t play but will watch a fair bit on twitch.

Are any GD’ers planning on trying it out?

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Maybe when it has the actual free-to-play release in 3 days.

I have no plans to pay to play early.

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It is absolutely an amazing game. There is so much to do and the content is varied and quite enjoyable.

i will try it when it’s f2p

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Ill likely play around with it when it is F2p.
I actually got a founders pack through amazon prime but returned it. Either my computer wasn’t liking or there was severe lag that day I tried it out but I returned it. When it is free Ill give it a fair shake of a try again. And, no I do not play on a potato.

I too heard this statement about Endwalker and New World

When the honey moon phase is over they dropped dramatically in player base to twitch views

Never fails


Anyone remember what the viewer count was like when New World went live? They are lucky to get 2k these days :slight_smile:


Yes, and people here on these very forums thought new world was the holy grail of MMOs

Then the honey moon phase was over and everyone abandoned that game, the praising was suddenly quiet after that :rofl:


To be honest, after Wild Star I stopped paying attention to upcoming MMO’s altogether. I still thought New World was in development lol.

Most every new MMO, there’s always people who have high hopes for it to be their new go-to or to be the new WoW killer.



If you’re a hardcore WoW fan you hope and pray another game actually makes a real splash, to motivate the WoW devs to strive for greater heights. But they all fall in one way or another. WoW remains the king, which allows WoW to remain complacent. I wish another MMO could actually challenge WoW but they never seem to pull it off.


Yeah I’ll give it a whirl, if it ends up being too time consuming I probably won’t go crazy. But I heard that there aren’t a lot of gates up so we’ll see. The races being just human is pretty disappointing.

Nui Hello Kitty Island MMO could be a thing and I’ll bet someone will praise it as the best MMO to kill WoW

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Now I do have to admit that Lost Ark does look good and I have been looking for a decent Korean style MMO. I just love the level of detail they put into the visual effects.

Given how badly things went, I am sure Amazon wished it was as well :slight_smile:

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You and I both know that a Hello Kitty Island Adventure MMO is just what some of the players here want and need.

Death by Hello Kitty would be slow and hilarious.

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Give it 5 months.

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Lost Ark has been out for a few years now and has been growing in new players.

It’s not like New World where it just came out.

The game is a lot of fun and the developers take it very seriously.

Blizz/Microsoft should be ready to have a good chunk of its player base to slowly move over.


To grow? Because that’s what it’s going to do.

Should they? (They shouldn’t, pending a laughable definition of “good chunk”).

Oh I am sure they will lose some but to be fair, this expansion hasn’t been that popular and content drops have been slow as hell. If we had 9.2 out, it really wouldn’t be an issue. I mean I am looking at trying Lost Ark but I don’t see it replacing WoW at all.