Based on preliminary testing, the 2p and 4p nerfs are fine - they cost the NecroFury build about 1-1.5k DPS (from a “bis”-ish sim of around 17-17.5k down to around 16-16.4k, depending on talents). That’s enough to leave it strong, but not really egregious, considering how dependent on uptime the build is, and how much stronger Kyrian and Night Fae remain in AoE/Mythic+.
The Glory nerf is pretty severe, however, accounting for around 2.2k DPS drop itself alone. That takes the build down to about 14k, making it once again the weakest Warrior covenant.
Considering how dependent the build is on single target uptime (in a raid with a lot of multitarget) and the fact that Necrolord has been virtually unplayed the entire expansion, I would recommend leaving the tier nerfs (tier was too strong for all covenants anyway), but reverting the Glory nerf.
Update: adding some numbers, based on the T28 profile, which is not entirely min/maxed but “BiS”-ish.
- NecroFury was at around 17.2k DPS with Anger Management or 17.4k with Reckless Abandon (very unlikely you would actually play with that in most situations though, as it tend to get you killed in raid) - obviously high and in need of a nerf.
- Kyrian and Night Fae were around 15.7k, but keep in mind they are far better in burst AoE and Mythic+.
- The Tier nerf drops NecroFury down to around 16.1-16.4k depending on talents, while taking Kyrian and Night Fae down to around 14.8k.
In my opinion this is fairly well balanced, considering how dependent on single target uptime Necrolord is - there are already several fights which don’t lend itself to this setup, not to mention Mythic+, so I suspect that Kyrian & NF would still see a lot of use regardless.
The Glory nerf drops NecroFury further down to ~14k, which is frankly dead on arrival. At that point, it’s worse than Kyrian, Night Fae (and Venthyr, but nobody is going to play that anymore) in every situation. In my mind, this is unwarranted, and a 1k delta is justified, considering it only does single target well, and probably won’t actually perform that well when also dealing with raid mechanics.
You could argue that the group buff still gives Necrolord additional value to make up the difference, but the covenant has gone virtually unplayed throughout the entire expansion, so it’s pretty clear that neither world first raiders nor “average” ones are valuing that bonus. I think it’s a fun idea, but this is a part of the covenant’s tuning, then I would recommend tuning the group-buff (as well as not letting multiple banners stack on the same player, which grossly inflates their damage) rather than the personal performance, since again - nobody really seems to want or care about it.