Defy the Odds in Torghast When Eternity's End Arrives

Defy the Odds in Torghast When Eternity's End Arrives

The ever-changing halls of Torghast, Tower of the Damned continue to reveal new Layers and challenges within this foreboding prison, along with a new mode and new rewards.

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Still not going in there unless I have to Blizzard. It sucks.


Torghast, more like snorefest.



A mawrat mount?

Hell yeah!


Oooh, I want to see what the dominated hearthstone looks like.


Such lazy development.


Is Adamant Vaults going to award a conduit booster like in 9.1?

(Usable to 278, I mean.)


It’s kind of impressive at this point that the Devs are literally this out of touch with the playerbase. No one wants to do more levels in Torghast. It sucks.


I’ll agree that 9.0 Torghast was dull, but I’ve enjoyed 9.1 Torghast with the scoring system and Box of Many Things.

I just think it’s strange that they’re adding levels 13 through 16, but there doesn’t seem to be any reason to do them except more Soul Ash/Soul Cinders, which I think most people have in massive quantities already.


It’s enjoyable one or two times, not as a daily/weekly chore.

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Nah, Torghast sucks.


Can’t wait to get those cosmetics. A little sad no gear drops though. Cosmic flux at least will help with tier.


i never go here, i hate the obstacles

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This, I wouldn’t mind doing torghast if it was a path of progression instead of feeling like something you need to do to get to progression. Like, even if it were just LFR ilvl gear I’d willingly be in there everyday.

It was never a daily/weekly chore, you got what you needed from it very quickly. I just do it for fun, or for fast renown on new covenants or alts.

Good place to practice new builds & rotations, too, in some cases.


Yea… I sort wish I had a reason to do stuff like twisting corridors on alts like a weekly loot chance like visions. But I guess that will be just replaced with pugging mythics and hoping no one makes a mistake.

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Agree to disagree… soul ashe, cinders, renown are not rewards, they’re a necessity (or were for most).


Love this place. V. excited for it. One question I had: Will Phantasm drop in here? I need to get my achievement.

There are people in there all the time. Go down there sometime.


Isn’t the new challenge mode a boss gauntlet? Sounds a lot more interesting than wading through mobs for 16 layers, so I’m looking forward to it personally.


I think Torghast went wrong in 2 places, the color palette and the 9.0 minimum run time. Torghast in general is very hard to look at, steel grey hallway after hallway. It is jarring to most people’s eyes. The run times are totally reasonable in 9.1, and I think if a lot of people didn’t have that negative association with the 9.0 version, it would not be so unpopular. This feedback was strongly given in 9.0 PTR by some hundreds of people, but we still went live with abusively long Torghast slogs.

Please don’t abandon the Torghast content model, it can be great. Next time you make a feature like this, set it in a place that is pleasant to be and make a wide variety of options for run time. Some people want to be in and out in 5 minutes, some people want to be in there for 45 minutes. Play some RuneScape dungeoneering if you want ideas how to give people those options, it is not that hard.