117 AVs in 2 weeks

how the hell does it punish anyone?

like, if you were pugging, one day you had some empty games, now you don’t ever, problem solved gg, it doesn’t PUNISH anyone

It forces them to wait even longer, for an unspecified amount of time…maybe indefinitely if people start cycling through.

you’re calling the 2 min queue we have now punishment?

What…no? I am saying forcing people to wait behind the gate would be punishment.

Because games were launching with 40 people on both sides in queue…and then 35 Alliance would drop that queue…causing the teams to be 40v5. Making those 45 people sit around and wait even longer would be punishment…especially since they’re not trying to manipulate the queue-system and were engaging with the system completely as intended.

it doesn’t happen, lol.

It doesn’t happen, because mass-queue dropping was fixed. To help the Alliance who were starting games undermanned due to mass-queue dropping.


Maybe because they’re the wrong kind of changes or a lack of the right kind of changes? Come on, this isn’t a difficult concept to comprehend…

That was the first av fix, then when alliance found a workaround that didnt harm other alliance, they hotfixed that. That being said, the loss rate is simply due to our queues being instant while horde is like 1 hour.


Did they really hot-fix it? There were rumors of a “stealth fix,” but I am more inclined to think that method-two of premading was just super janky and not reliable enough.

There are many hypothesis about why the Alliance are performing the way they are now, I am more inclined to believe it is player perception/attitude myself. I wrote a pretty long post not too long ago about how powerful player perception can be.

I stopped playing av after I got exalted months ago so I cant say for sure. But the work around did seem to work for premades, hence why we saw multiple threads complaining about it on the forums within a day after the original fix. After the supposed stealthfix we dont see any threads about premades.

Except that wouldn’t fix the problem forever. Ally premades would have continued opening games and those games would have sat waiting to be filled.
Say they popped 3 extra games to get their premade in 1. Now you have 3 games waiting to fill.
The premade goes on to win it’s 7 min game. Opens 5 more to get their premade in.
After a point theres more open games waiting to fill than are being played. That’s just one premade that has a couple hundred players locked waiting. Now think about every premade doing that.
That’s not a root cause fix. The root cause fix was stopping the premades from being able to force so many new games to be abandoned.

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I personally never saw a full “premade” after the fix to mass-queue dropping. During the end of that first week when people had figured out method-two, I ran into a handful of half-premades that tried the old strats and had varying degree’s of success.

But gradually the frequency of those half-mades faded. It wasn’t abrupt like a “secret fix” would suggest. I just figured that the method was just too unreliable, and took too long to be worth it…and people just stopped.

Well I heard it was more reliable than the original strat, and people were getting like 35+ people in. But thats all just rumors so I guess we just dont know.

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In oceanic servers aren’t alliance winning something like 45%?

Riddle us that…

better players blizzard cant fix bad players NA alliance are just bad,

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If I queue for AV for 20 hours straight, I get at the very most ~10 games a day—in 20 hours of play.

Let’s assume I played 20 hours every day for a week, sleeping only 4 hours a night.

I would be at 70 wins, or 210 marks, over the course of 168 hours

Now something tells me that in the past 2 weeks you haven’t been banging out 20 hour days. So in the relatively low amount of time you’ve put in, you still get 117 Marks? Fabulous~!

Up your numbers and you’ll stumble upon that W any day now for your wand.

I can tell you for a fact that I’ve lost at least 2 games in the past 2 weeks. That could be your group at some point!

How does this changes benefits the alliance? This change benefits no one. Alliance solo players went from winning some games when matched with pramades ( it was ez to do snipping fresh lobbies) from winning zero games and having no fun at all. And the horde went from 30min Qs to 90min Qs winning 100% instead of 60-70%.

And now AV is not viable as a ranking bg because WSG provides better honor for both factions. But the thing is, if you’re not in a good wsg premade you’re completely screwed and hopeless as you can’t no longer reach bracket caps.

Because this doesnt happen anymore.

The change was designed to remove mass-queue dropping to stop games from launching undermanned. The fact that the Alliance no longer try doesn’t change the fact the change was made to benefit Alliance.

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