1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake

Yeah, that one. Similar to the exploit fix regarding pre-mades.


Except that wasn’t an exploit, it was exactly how it worked in vanilla and was working as designed.

Blizzard thought otherwise.


In a word?

They wanted to make it compete with the other 2 BGs, and the truth is that AV simply lasted longer than the average player wanted to be in it (and yet those same players would happily chain run it for the same amount of time). Blizzard wanted more players running it and for it to be shorter, so they gutted it and lost the very thing that made the BG so special.

As the head defeatist cheerleader is so fond of blurting out repeatedly:
“eArLy aV wAs nOt pOpUlAr!”
(he believes “popular” equates to “good”.)

If “popular” was a metric for changes, then raids would have been done away with.

AV was the canary in the coalmine in regard to how Blizzard would ultimately ruin WoW. They caved to players who had the attention span of a gnat and wanted the game on rails.


Wow was already a “kids version of Everquest” though, it was full on rails from the beginning but I get your point.

I don’t think so, people describe it being different, there had to be changes to it that made it possible to rush it.

I’m not saying those games didn’t happen, all I’m saying is there’s nothing about the map that forces them to happen.

Same map different players, turns out that the same NPC’s etc… that are nasty when you have disorganized groups with low levels wandering around doing random stuff are a lot less nasty when you have max level players with good gear moving together.

Just like how the dungeon/raid experience is very different in classic compared to vanilla 1.5 AV would be as well.

Bring the old AV back, this 1.12 AV is a joke.


You are speaking as if nothing was changed and that is clearly a lie.

He is just pushing buttons, hoping for responses.

Just browse his 269 posts in this thread alone, as well as the ones in the Alterac Valley in Classic announcement thread. Also all of his posts in AV threads leading up to the announcement. He was virtually the only one who supported 1.12 AV, purely to push buttons because he did not get desired druid changes. Fast forward to today, where is is the head cheerleader of the alliance defeatist squad, and complains about 1.12 AV on a daily basis, while also pushing back against any and all mention of earlier versions of AV.

He is a button pusher who lives for the blue circle next to his little portrait, full stop.


I just explained what changed, the player base.

For those games to happen you’d have to have people playing the map the same as they did back then. And that’s not going to happen. It hasn’t happen in pretty much any other aspect of the game and there’s no reason to think it would magically happen just for 1.5 AV.



Hello, old friend.


Welcome back. lol.

this is still a very bitter subject for me. like i posted here months back I never got to experience old AV. all i have is the stories from older players and the memories from AV in BC. back before min/max culture had ruined all of gaming. AV matches back then were still a 30-40 minute affair. capping towers, defending towers, killing bosses, defending our bosses, taking the mines to buy time and slugging it out with the enemy at choke points. God I just wish i could get into a time machine and flip 2020 the bird as i rocket back into the past.


These types of comments did not age all that well.

If they would just add the ability of warlock summoning back into AV like vanilla had the bg would be a bit more interesting.

I see forum report abuse is still a thing.

I have to agree, playing Korrak’s revenge on retail reminded me of how enjoyable it used to be.

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What is the win/loss ratio, length of games, and typical gameplay in Korrak’s Revenge now?