1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake

Hmm… blizzard has made it real clear they consider 1.12 the final version of vanilla and what they’re going for.

Do you not understand that?

You’re apparently still missing the point. Did you care about 1.12 when you were arguing against spell batching?


If you want to get back into the reasons why 1.12 AV is better than previous versions, which blizzard has also stated they think and is why they’re going with it, we can do that too.

Im’a gonna eat my popcorn while I wait for the link to that.

They stated that some npcs were “too hard”, something else was “gross”, and that 1.12 “gives them clarity”.

From the blizzard post, these changes are improvements.

It gives us several early improvements to the BG that we’re glad to have in place. Early on in AV, there were too many NPCs and they were too hard to kill. By 1.12, many had been removed and NPC health was brought down to a reasonable level.

The difference here though, is that Loot Trading wasn’t in 1.12. They’ve shown willingness to change things that they’re introducing: Loot Trading, Progressive Release Patches, Layering instead of Sharding etc…

Aside from the mount costs, they haven’t shown any inclination to use a different patch by the end, than 1.12.

I think this is maybe the fist time I have ever replied to a thread in the wow forums ever but I just had to specifically log in and say I 100% agree. I want as close to classic as we can get and that definitely includes those amazing 1-3 day long AV battles. Thanks for highlighting this issue and I am confident in saying given the attention this thread has garnered blizzard will recognize and make the necessary changes.


Agree, and believe people would thoroughly enjoy a longer AV experience. Difficulty and the challenge was part of what made it so epic. The ability to go in at level 50 (51?) and do quests that helped push the flow of battle in a positive direction was awesome. Maybe it doesn’t need to be brought all the way back to an entire weekend event, but what it has evolved into isn’t what it was ever envisioned to be.


The level bracket and ability to quest to contribute really spoke to how it was originally designed to mirror an actual open world zone. Without the time to complete them, I see them gathering dust.

Here’s hoping that the recent 15th Anniversary mention of old AV is an indication that they are listening and will allow us to get our early AV fix in Classic.


Was hoping I would be able to make a collection of horde pieces.



no way dude no way i dont think in any way thats the way

I disagree

I really hope AV will be more than just a rep grind and forget BG. Sadly that’s really all the 1.12 version is good for.


You are not wrong.

Now that the forum is finally letting me post (despite being level 20 for a few days now) I just want to say that I hope for the original AV. I didn’t start playing WoW until mid BC, but one of my earliest memories of WoW was watching my dad play AV for hours at a time, then hop off to do something, or eat dinner. And afterwards, he would go back and keep going. When I got to WoW, AV was changed almost completely, and it made me sad. Now that classic is coming, I hope that I get the chance to experience that game my dad used to play. I understand that people are saying they don’t have time anymore, so I agree that a fair compromise would be to make old-school AV an event, maybe a week long, once a month or something. I personally have no interest in playing the modern day AV, since to me it always felt so empty. It felt like it should be more, because it was originally more.

PS. For those wondering why someone who has been playing since BC is only lvl 20, it is because I used to play on my dad’s account. He has since stopped playing, and I decided that for classic, maybe it was time for me to get my own account.


To use the 1.12AV is just laziness. Blizzard, you can use the 1.12 game client, that’s fine, but the 1.12AV is not the Classic World of Warcraft that we all know and love.

We want that immersive experience that comes with collecting hides, collecting enemy parts, blood, summoning bosses, and to rescue the pilots. That was when AV was something truly special, something that took strategy and teamwork before it became a casual REP-grind fest of sheer bordom completely void of personality.

Please reconsider this.


Classic Legionnaire here. Not coming back this time around since in the ensuing years since WoW was released I’ve been dx’d with Multiple Sclerosis so I’m no longer able bang away at PvP like I used to, but I wanted to throw my support to you for the earlier versions of AV.

It wasn’t until one of the above posters listed each patch notes showing how MUCH was lost from AV could I really appreciate how much was truly LOST.

AV was a TEAMWORK event. When it was same realm vs realm we all seemed to know our positions and go to them. As more and more changes happened (and esp. when x-realms were added to it) it became a free-for-all. 20 people sat AFK in the cave, no one defended, no one capped bunkers or gy’s and the remaining 20 or so actually playing (on Horde side) ran merrily past the Alliance on the Field of Strife straight to a turtle on the bridge.

That was no fun (well, ok, it was a little fun). What I’m saying is, it went from this huge cooperative, goal-oriented event to a "I might as well just consider that I’m now a solo cog in a never ending grind.

I absolutely support an earlier version of AV over the mess that came later on.


I can’t post links, but “mmo-champion Patch 8.2 Hotfixes - August 2nd, WoW 15th Anniversary Preview, Arthas Statue” on google, the 1st on the list :

Classic Alterac Valley PvP Event
During the 15th anniversary you will be able to queue for a classic version of Alterac Valley that is identical to how it was when it initially released during Vanilla.

Classic won’t have an earlier AV version but Retail is ?
It must be a joke, right ?