Experienced mature raider looking for a dedicated raiding guild.
I got 11/12M with some friends late on the tier. I’d like to get CE before Shadowlands, but main focus is Shadowlands raiding.
While I can’t help with getting CE before SL drops, we are looking to fill a core raid team for Mythic progression in SL. If you’ve got a minute, take a look at my recruitment post. If you think we may be a fit, please take a few minutes and fill out the application. Someone with recruitment will reach out to schedule the next steps.
Yo, we’re a late night guild working on Nzoth. 200 pulls in, getting past secret phase close to killing it.
We raid Tuesday/Thursday from 11pm-2am PST or 2am-5am EST
You can reach me below at
Btag- Bullcon#1672
Hey there, We’re Insatiable-Area 52.
We are 12/12M and looking to wrap up our roster and add new trials for Shadowlands. We are, and will be AOTC and CE every tier. We’ll be trialing until pre-patch if you’re interested!
Or raid times are Tues / Wed 8-11:30 pm server (EST)
We’re 12/12H & 12/12M
Looking for a ranged with strong logs.
PM me in game Seathasky#11486 if interested!