11.1 Raid Renown Feature Preview and Context

yea starting to sound like I won’t even bother with it.

I don’t always have time to play and we are moving to another state soon so yea.

I might miss a lockout or 3 then I won’t be getting it anyway.

Doing LFR only & being able to get an item that can be Max lvl Myth track is a GOOD deal.

Having to wait the 17 weeks not so much.

Equivalent to bliz awarding dinar in the .05 patch. Since that’s roughly when it rolls out.

4+ months for the chips is way too long. By that point my main is retired and the chips will be used for transmog and alt catch up. Both which seem to defeat the whole purpose of adding these to begin with.

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That’s not true though. This week, right now, is week 17. Maybe it’s week 18 since M+ started the second week, I think? Doesn’t really matter.

Not only was the .5 patch quite a while back, but in fact we are a couple of weeks into the .7 patch.

This is a ludicrous timeline to receive your first dinar.

does not interest me at all

If you can clear the raid in less than XX weeks, you don’t need the dinars. The dinars are designed to help groups that are progressing after week XX.

By a lot of the logic here, I think everyone should be equipped with BiS gear upon entering the raid because people will stop raiding after 3 months.

If you’re only raiding for 3 months, you don’t get the rewards. It helps prevent players from loot hogging and quitting mid season on their guild.

I don’t think that’s the point either, I think it’s more for players personal completion / to get items your group hasn’t seen drop enough, or just for m+ers to get their cantrip items mythic before pushing at end of season.

I think the last reason they added this is to give a power boost to specifically in progress raid guilds.

Not sure what you’re trying to say….you said it yourself….

“I think the last reason they added this is to give a power boost to specifically in progress raid guilds.”

If you can clear the raid that fast, it’s not about gear but completing the raid. Players that are able to clear the raids fast grind for gear and don’t sit around waiting for raid boss kills to get gear. When a specific item drops, it’s a plus not needed.

Mythic+ is a whole another topic that we can talk about….

If you’re a mythic+ players who only runs heroic raid, the gear from heroic doesn’t matter…

If you only run heroic and want mythic raid loot….I guess you’ll have to put in some work to get loot you want.

If you’re a mythic+ player who raids mythic….you’ll eventually get the gear you need in less than 17 weeks. If you have such bad luck, there’s the dinars.

If none of the above applies to you because you’re super casual. Gear should not be a problem because the content you do doesn’t require BiS gear.

You can always farm transmog in the next expansion or two.

im guessing this also works with LFR?

Any rewards after week 10 might as well not exist. Nobody is going to be anxiously awaiting week 17 loot. :roll_eyes:

“Yay, got a trinket I can use for 3 weeks. Definitely worth the time investment.” :upside_down_face:

This is bad. Not quite “meaningful choice” bad, but pretty close.

In my opinion, a better way to handle the bullions is to have the first one given in week 8-10, but only a heroic version. And a second one given in week 18-20, but a mythic version.

Quick question, will this also reset your personal lust cooldown, the Temporal Attendants in Mythic+ don’t do this and it will still require your group to reset the boss if personal lust buttons are all on cooldown.

You guys are delusional if you think handing out mythic endboss rare-loot in week 8 for free to everyone and their moms is a good idea. If the Dinar was available that early it would have to be limited to heroic item level. It’s free loot anyway. why not a system that requires you to actually earn the item, for example you need to kill the boss that drops it in order to buy it at least once

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If it works like DF’s system you get a normal version that can be upgraded all the way to Mythic, so you would still need Crests from corresponding content.

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It’s a single damn item after TWO MONTHS of play even if they accelerated it to week 8 (they should)

And you still have to have crests from the appropriate difficulty to upgrade it.

Guaranteeing one good item after two months of play is really the bare minimum imo, and it’s certainly not some crazy game breaking reward.


I think it would feel better if people are able to work towards it. The 2 month limit is really artificial.

I know BlizZard doesn’t want gearing to be a race but some players want to work toward their rewards and not be gated by the 2 months.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Dinar’s were 30/15/5 fated boss kills originally in SL, which was a month of clearing the raids in full for your first one as they rotated through and then lowered in frequency with each subsequent one.

So suggesting that the Puzzling Cartel Chip be a little earlier to help protect against bad luck 2 months into a tier which would be beneficial to all while not really impeding anything to do with the WF race, while also propping up bad luck for guilds still vying for the last HoF slots is a pretty sound suggestion.

Even for the casuals it’s a good carrot for them to chase early on, since they’ll see that acquisition at the 8th week of the tier as opposed to the 17th week of the tier as a goal to strife for and will provide much less of a drop off during the season.


I think this is a fantastic idea for raiding. The rewards are great and the theming is awesome.

The only problem I see is the pacing. 19 weeks is way too long for some of the ending rewards to actually be useful. I think all you need to do is compress the renown into 10 levels instead of 20. That will give us 9 weeks of progression in the renown, which feels much better. My casual heroic group usually takes about 2.5 months to get AOTC. And then some of us usually continue raiding for about another month. 9 weeks fits perfectly into that so that we finish the renown and can make use of the later rewards to help our final push for AOTC. Then we can also enjoy some of the convenience in our cooldown period.

Otherwise, I love this idea for raids and hope you continue it into the future.

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Does renown bleed over when you’ve capped for the week? It would feel bad to do the whole raid week 1, get 5000 reputation, but only “earn” 2500 of it after capping at renown 2. If I get 5000 in week 1, will I get renown 3 next week when it unlocks or will the other 2500 I earned be wasted?