Thanks, when are you reverting the warrior nerfs?
Renown 18
The Renown track is interesting but I strong feel the “Damage and Healing” buff should be changed to “Damage and Health” instead of Healing.
As a healer main, we’ve seen all sorts of strategies to “remove healing” from the equation in Mythic+ and Raiding. I really don’t like the idea of a buff that’s intented agument player power is creating a situation where Raid groups are asking “Can we drop a healer in favor of DPS?” as people progress later and later into the tier.
That feels very bad as a healer to see a buff create a condition where our role can be shrunk. Most healers already have very high overheal values in raid and the net effect of this buff largely inflates that stat further.
Can we please have some consideration for our role and perhaps have this buff augment players in another way that maintains the 2/4/14 raid comp but still allows the raid to grow easier over time?
ROFL, don’t give them any ideas. Pretty soon, they’ll tie player power to renown in some meaningful way!
Ah c’mon, you’re not excited for your Renown powered Artifact weapon come Last Titan?
Mythic teams skipping 8 weeks in to the final boss is a terrible design choice.
Really confused on who the Puzzling Cartel Chips are for. Week 17 is way too late for them to really matter for most raiders. So are they for Mythic+ players who may not be able to get the loot they need on Myth track? If so why is it tied to grinding the raid weekly? Honestly feels like there should be a renown track for M+ as well which yields similar rewards.
-Mythic raid skip to final boss at week 7/8 is bad for the health of raiding and needs changed.
-Dinar being 16 weeks and 18 weeks is also terrible as in the current system that is December 31st 2024 and January 14th 2025. Absurdly late into the tier and should be moved up. The first dinar should’ve been in November (week 6-8 area) with the 2nd dinar at the end of November or beginning of December (8-10 area). Even then it would feel like a long ways off and be bad (ideally week 4 and week 8 since limited to 2) but it would be better than 16 and 18.
Why is it that Blizzard insists on constantly creating grinds within grinds within grinds? It’s getting silly at this point. Maybe I’m just not the target audience for this, because I have zero interest in raiding every week without fail for the next 4+ months to get a mount. Once AOTC is done and if you aren’t pushing mythics, why bother?
Then don’t, just come back later and do the catch up. Easy.
The weekly increasing damage/healing buff is entirely pointless on Mythic when the real wall is dealing with mechanics that lead to raid wipes and/or instant player deaths if done incorrectly.
The raid fights are being designed around the stacking damage/healing buff and rely on movement checks more then anything.
Ovinax and Council were obnoxiously overbloated with mechanics and harder then Queen until they were nerfed several times.
agree it’s silly but it also doesn’t really matter. usually guilds have some dumpster character prepared with a lockout they keep refreshing already because killing the first two bosses costs time as well.
how would a hardstuck 4/8 guild kill boss 7 or 8 if they cant kill boss 5. this makes no difference whatsoever
Given Rewards like Renown 7 and Renown 10 can more than cause an unfair advantage during RWF if they “somehow” become acessible, are there methods to avoid such issues happening with the new Raid Renown?
I don’t think it’ll have an impact if you can’t get to those renown rewards until week 6 and 9 respectively. Have we ever seen a RWF last longer than 3 weeks in recent history?
So you want to do a full clear (all bosses and LTs) each week for multiple weeks? Because as it stands (without doubling the amount of rep you get), you’ll need to clear everything in the raid to reach 5k rep (2 renown levels worth).
Or alternatively, you would need to do partial clears of the raid on multiple toons each week to reach 2 renown levels worth (or risk falling behind).
No, it’s all the same rep. So regardless of which difficulty or which toon (main or alts) you’re progressing along the rep track. You could do a few bosses on main, then switch to an alt to do some more bosses in LFR and it all contributes towards the cartel rep going up (until you hit the cap).
The problem is the renown capped to 1 renown per week so 19 weeks to reach renown 20.
Even if we assume that raid launches in March (say 11th)… players would NOT reach renown 20 until JULY 22nd.
(post deleted by author)
Please make all of LFR available for queue on the release of the raid.
Honestly I’m just not sure who most of these “rewards” are for. Most of them feel like QOL that should already be in the raid and not a “reward”. Others I simply do not care about and don’t feel like a reward at all. The few that do matter are way too much time investment. People don’t want to spend 4 months grinding the same content over and over again.
The skip, imo, should be unlocked as soon as you get to the last boss. There is no reason to time gate it once you’ve proven you could get there.
The self rez thing just ignores what players have been asking for and that’s just respawn at the boss. There is no need to waste peoples time on a run back and with self rez you’re allowing players to do exactly that with the added hassle of it being time gated and having to do logistics(Healer 1 will rez this wipe, healer 2 next wipe, etc). If you want people to recover from wipes quickly then don’t take this weird half step and just fully commit.
Cartel Chip- WAY too late. The fun part of Bouillon was that you get it EARLY in the season allowing you to get build defining items without having to wait months and months for it to drop. So you put in a system where you have to wait months and months…this kills exactly what was liked about Bouillon. On top of that you only get 2?! Bouillon system was what? 1 per week and week 2 you could buy something? Now you expect players to wait 4 months to get 1 item? Most will be long gone by then.
Honestly, this all looks like a massive waste of time and makes me more inclined to unsub until way later in the season for the catchup mechanics to make it palatable.
Blizzard continues to take 1 step forward and 2 steps back instead of realizing that times are changing and they need to change too. It is VERY clear these are simply “rewards” to keep people subbed and increase metrics. Maybe instead of working on time gated ham fisted ways to keep people subbed, you make actual design changes to make the game funner and more accessible. A big gate to raiding is the time investment. For a guild it’s finding a time everyone can get together for a long block of time and for pugs it’s finding a group, having a big block of time, and hoping the group stays together long enough to actually beat some bosses. Make raids more accessible. Respawns before each boss. Break the raids down into single boss encounters and allow people to queue for ALL difficulties(ilvl restrictions and can’t queue for mythic if you haven’t done heroic, can’t queue for heroic if you haven’t done normal). You want me to raid more then make it so it’s not a hassle to do so when I have the time.
So I feel this is way too late. Considering we have to spend considerable valor and crests on them anyway, waiting that late for them won’t feel too good.
Also delete valor stones while we’re at it
But yeah, Valorstones (plz delete those), Crests + Super late in the raid tier feels like a triple gate of sadness and anti-fun.
Believe it or not, not everything is a conspiracy to get people to play longer or increase metrics. Also, not everything they put in the game has to apply to you.
I’m not sure if you know this but M+ and raid participation are up proportionally from Dragonflight S1, S2, and S3. This renown track is a really good ladder for those who choose to stay subbed and play the game.
To add to your context, the question isn’t about concerns for it affecting the race in Week 7, because as you said…this won’t happen.
My concern is that, like it have happened in the past, people might exploit to hit such an effect earlier in similar ways to how some players exploit to hit max renown earlier for an “edge” on the competition.
I do think part of the responsability falls on us to report such exploits on PTR, but truth be told there are racers who more than once kept things quiet to take advantage of it.
This is nice in theory. However the rewards come far too late to really have any meaning. Eight weeks to get a raid skip? That is frankly just insane.
Now we do that same thing in 3 weeks (in heroic and normal). 17 weeks to get the first Item token is just frankly dumb. At that point, you don’t even need it anymore beyond the hope it rolls with a tertiary stat or a socket.
Bliz, love the idea, but you don’t seem to realize that for most, raiding is all but over by the 3rd month.