11.1 patch changes

Seems like they are redesigning almost every spec all but a few.
Gonna be a new learning curve whe it drops


Yup. For all those havoc players learning a new class.


Please tell me they left Ret alone…

Word of Glory will be 50% more expensive to cast and supposedly Hammer of Light will be more responsive. Less group healing from talents.

Anyone have a link for 11.1 changes ?

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Boo. I liked that bit of healing I could toss around. Oh well.

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I don’t want to lie to you

My brewmaster is sad and wishes it was getting some redesigns.

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yo buff blood (the most fun tank)

more fun to tank bgs than pug keys

Be nice if we could have Annihilator back…

Thanks, i found them on wowhead, Outlaw got some minor RNG buffs lmao

I hate what they did to SV/BM Pack Leader to be honest.

You summon a random bear, wyvern, or boar to assist you while using your abilities.

When I said I wanted to be like Rexxar, I meant the dual-weapons, not his animals.

It’s like they didn’t learn from the forced hawk that MM is supposed to have.

I’m swapping over to Sentinel on my SV hunter, because they at least removed the owl, so it’s more fitting for other non-elf races now.

Nothing I hate more than a forced aesthetic when there wasn’t one before.

RIP Combat Rogues being turned into silly pirate Outlaws.

All they need to do is revert how death strike counts damage events and increase blood shield to Ike 200% HP.

Idk why they even changed it because it was already bad to back to back ds

Also not really the change the spec needs

What else? Damage buffs would be nice.

I just read this for Ret…

… what in God’s name is the purpose of that? O.o

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Duplicates the behavior of Judgment.

But I don’t wanna pull stuff that’s not pulled. :slightly_frowning_face:

Phew! Arcane mage will stay the same pretty much.

I hate this stuff too. With arcane I have to be so careful what way my character is facing to avoid pulling everything lol.