11.1 Frost DK Feedback

Frost finally has some changes to comment on, but much of what I’m about to say relies on the points I wrote on the DK forum:

With that out of the way, onto the changes.

Changing the set to give Mastery is nice. I can think of some possible reasons why it gave Haste before, but Frost generally doesn’t care too much about Haste, and I think many players would think something is wrong with the set giving Haste because it’s not one of our top 2 secondary stats.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I feel apprehensive about being buffed. Frost Strike, Obliterate, and Breath of Sindragosa went through multiple rounds of nerfs and buffs in Season 1. Each time, it felt like a quick response to community outcry. I fear that will happen again in Season 2. These buffs feel aimed at Frost (and other melee specs) performing poorly in the Liberation of Undermine. However, buffing these abilities also means buffing Frost’s AoE output. As covered in my lengthier feedback, Frost has no options for pure single-target damage. Every ability has a cleave component. There is a very real risk buffing core abilities by double digits will result in Frost dominating the key meta and getting nerfed again in response to the community feedback.

Frost will not get any attention to fix its core issues this cycle, but it would be nice to be at least left in a stable position when the season launches, instead of seeing the same abilities nerfed and buffed again. Free cleave through Cleaving Strikes and Shattered Frost will be extremely strong with these buffs. Shattered Frost has a built-in tuning knob, and Cleaving Strikes could have a solid tuning knob if the cleaved Obliterates did reduced damage. I’m not sure what the best solution here is, but I see a pattern about to play out again.


I understand that both Frost and Unholy’s recent buffs don’t address their core issues, which have been plaguing them for a long time. However, at this point, we have two realistic options:

  1. Accept this band-aid fix and see some immediate representation at the 11.1 launch.
  2. Revert the recent buffs and hope the devs implement the “right” changes before 11.1—and that they actually work.

I’m choosing option 1 every time.

I agree with the points made in this post, but it’s more realistic to expect these changes in 11.1.5, 11.2, or even 12.0.

It’s been clear for a few weeks that they weren’t getting bigger changes. But there is a third option. Not revert the buffs, but make sure the buffs aren’t overdone. As they are applied now, there is a real risk they will cause another round of nerfs later. When Blizzard reworked Deathbringer, it wasn’t tuned at all and that prompted a last-minute panic nerf that ended up overnerfing the spec. I’m hoping that early feedback will be able to prevent another last-minute nerf that leaves no one feeling good.

I don’t keep my finger on the pulse of death knight feedback really, but am I the only one who hates death and decay being a part of frost? The obliterate cleave is of course awesome. I just hate it being tied to that ability. It doesn’t feel frosty and i hate how restrictive it feels. I’d rather the cleave be tied to remorseless winter instead.