11.0.5 Priest Feedback

Wanted to start a feedback thread to go over the many needed changes that are in the current build for priests! Hooray for Power Word: Fortitude mana cost reduction! We are saved!


I wish I could just copy and paste my feedback they ignored and deleted from the beta forums, because we still have all the same problems!

Mobility, utility, psychic link and dependence on shadow crash to do any kind of AoE damage…a hundred more problems.

And still not a single drop of communication!


Yes and for disc the countless posts concerning atonement uptime in 5 mans and pet CDR lost as a result of the tier set we were designed around in S3 not being made a talent.

They could easily make radiance apply full duration atonement when not in raid just like the atonement modifier doing extra healing not in raid. They could also increase the CDR given by void summoner to get us back to the same pet uptime we had with the S3 tier set.

Then there are the dead talents (Contrition, Expiation, Twilight Equilibrium), excessive 2 point nodes in bottom of the trees limiting choices, mobility issues, dispel profile (only 2 dispels and worst in the game), utility being stripped away (looking at you Shining Force), etc.


Jumped on the PTR to test things.

With Dracthyr you can definitely cover some distance with the double jump. I had a guild mate race me in a straight line and it wasn’t even a contest. The only thing I dislike is that it gets a bit tedious constantly having to mash the spacebar.

They racial passive was nerfed: it’s just a flat +1% mastery bonus.

Sustained Prophecy pauses your Apotheosis/Void Form for 20s after combat and you can reset your Holy Words because you’re still treated as in Apotheosis. Also, your Apotheosis/Void Form timer still resets.

You can literally just sit there and reset your Holy Words to full before jumping into combat and abuse Shadow Meld. 1-2s left on Apo? Shadow Meld in the back, reset your Holy Words, and then go back in.

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I sincerely hope our mobility issues aren’t expected to be covered by race changing to a specific race.


I’m aware of rocket jump, there’s also spatial rift and darkflight, but none of those are quite the same as dragon glide. They are nice to have, but there’s a difference in nice to have and “we can ignore priest mobility because dragons exist”

oh dont get me wrong , im with u priest need mobility baseline , raided on DF as holy too , needing externals for mechanics was BAD




Yes, needing to get rescued on Mythic Raz, and root removed on Tindral was not fun.




While maybe priest will get a talent rework in 11.1, it seems like you could throw out a few easy buffs to help with some aspects in the meantime.


  1. make angelic feather and maybe body and soul last twice as long on yourself OR make levitate give you 30% movement speed when cast on self and let it stack with your other buffs

You could also make divine feathers work with body and soul as well, which would also add a neat interaction with Oracle’s PoM shield talent.

  1. reduce mass dispel cooldown to 45 seconds and probably lower the base mana cost. This would bring it up to par with poison cleansing totem for M+ utility.

  2. Power Word: Life doesn’t feel as impactful as it should given it’s limited by both a cooldown and health %, maybe it should have increased critical strike chance the lower the health of the target


Just throwing out that I think the priest class tree really needs a rework.

The entire right side of the class tree is just kinda weak and boring. Apathy, Tithe Evasion (can just be baked in by default), leech talents (now that leech got nerfed they’re kinda just bad), Void shield, cauterizing shadows and Manipulation are all very bland talents most of which don’t really do much. It isn’t exciting to path down that side at all.

I think having the left side be light and right be shadow is an awesome idea, but they both have to be cool. Left offering healing while right offers more damage and maybe the middle is a mix of utility/mobility/cc stuff would work fine, but regardless of my ideas something needs to be done for this class tree.

I enjoy both priest healing specs, I’ve thrown out some feedback for disc separately but the class tree is probably the biggest downer for me on priest personally.


yeah… our class tree is bad.

48 nodes
7 useless talents: Apathy, Mental Agility, Move with Grace, Crystalline Reflection, Sheer Terror/Void Tendrils, Cauterizing Shadows, and Void Shield
2 talents that should be baseline: Improved Flash Heal and Tithe Evasion

9 useless talents for Shadow: Renew, Prayer of Mending, Holy Nova, Rhapsody, Focused Mending, Words of the Pious, Inspiration, Unwavering Will and Surge of Light,
4 useless talents for Holy: Shadow Word: Death, Death and Madness, Throes of Pain and Words of the Pious
2 useless talents for Disc: Prayer of Mending and Focused Mending

Especially for Shadow the tree is hot garbage. If you have 48 nodes and only 30 are useful, and you have 31 points, you know where that is going… You can waste two talent points on Improved Flash Heal and Holy Nova to pick up Spell Warding, and not feel any pain at all, that’s how many “options” we have. Effectively, you’re swapping the points between Purify Disease, Phantasm, and Mass Dispell depending on your encounter needs.


All I would like to see is the 2 point nodes trimmed down on the bottom of the Priest trees, less PoM talents on Holy, more than 3 end tree talent options for Holy, Disc end-tree talents completely revamped, and filler nodes removed.

The Paladin general tree revamp is a perfect example of what should be done. 10 talents were removed and mandatory talents were moved up higher in the tree or made baseline into the spec.


Really like the new effects on Dracthyr models for priests, now can we finally get some changes to make the class worth playing again, to match even the effort being put in to visuals?

Feels like we are on the backburner and all supposed to just play the dragon race to start fixing our issues. shrug


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The visuals for dracthyr priest are insane, I cant believe they actually did that. Was just expecting the regular wings from things like apoth or DA, but my god they actually made dracthyr priest feel like a dracthyr priest lol.

Popping in again to say class tree really needs a rework. Too many 2 point nodes along with too many mostly useless talents, the right side suffers so much from talents that are both bland and bad, numbers tuning wont fix that because again they are boring/bland too. I listed all the ones out before. Shadow side could be so much more interesting

I hope they add shadow covenant to this

drac priests to be mandatory in high keys/pvp

shadow to be useless outside of high keys due to abundance of low hp mobs dieing quickly and shadow crash not applyign dots to higher hp mobs and being on a long cd

Make shadow Crash apply vt as default

Change the vt talent into:

If a mob dies with vt -1s on shadow crash

Priest spec talents need an overhaul

Holy right side is insane the amount of PoM nothingburguer talents , the base spell is so poor that u need to invest half your talents to make Pom functional

Make Pom jump create holy novas, make Pom interesting and fun to use if u insist on it

11.1 is my guess