11.0.5 Priest Feedback

Voidweaver should not be using angel wings as its cooldown when a halo-focused angelic Archon exists.
Archon should not be using Void Form as its cooldown when Voidweaver exists.
It’s completely backwards and breaks themes.

Side note:
Genuinely don’t understand why they went and created Priest-specific visuals for Dracthyr and didn’t bother creating a single totem so they could be Shaman, which makes 1000x more sense than Warlock.


We really need to get away from Plink and crash as our AoE enabler. Plink has proven to be just inherently difficult to balance and crash is both annoying to use and eats up the power of our dots.

I sincerely hope we don’t have to wait until 11.1 to get a proper pass on our class considering Ret and Shaman are getting reworked again, already.

11.0.5 better have OG shadowform glyph at the very least.

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All those PoM talents just need to be baseline because the spell is pretty much useless without them.


I dont think they wanted dracthyr shamans tbh. Its pretty clear at this point what classes they view as the ‘can be any race in wow’ classes, and which ones they view as the ‘were going to limit these’ classes. No coincidence the ones limited are typically the ones with unique things like racial mount or racial totems or druid forms etc, but that is how it is for now. Good example is earthen, they have a lot of druidic elements and even originally had druid npcs on the beta that were pretty cool (changed to shamans iirc) but cannot be druids.

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Just have to mention that Entropic Rift is not working correctly too, back on beta the timer of ER would start after you finish/stop casting VT, but at the moment ER timer goes on with VT and we get like 5 sec to cast our Void Blast and Devouring Plage, if 8 seconds was already too short, imagine 5 :rofl: :rofl: and we lose about 1 sec more depending on the distance we are with the travel time of ER. Spriest is a total mess :rofl: and when we say devs hates us people say we’re crazy :rofl:


I’m shocked that priests haven’t gotten many changes so far in the ptr builds. I’m hoping the devs decide to look into their talents and overall kit because imo priests could use it. also I’m not talking about damage/numbers just gameplay and if a talent/ability is usable, fun, or actually synergies with other talents and skills


I do want to point out, unless there is a bug I haven’t been seeing (mostly playing archon because Voidweaver is dumpster) that entropic rift gets the duration of void torrent added back to it at the end of the cast. If you channel the full time you get 3(?) seconds added to the duration.

So no duration is actually lost.