11.0.5 Dark Ranger Emergency

Devs, please, tune Dark Ranger to be good, otherwise it’s DOA.


Aren’t they improving it dramatically with 11.0.5?

What’s “not good” about it?

It’s still BiS in PvP and that’s the only content I care about so I’m happy with my two MM Dark Ranger Hunters.


Its losing 20% aimed shot damage and 20% rapid fire damage. Currently showing 15% behind sent


Maybe learn what’s changing before making any sky is falling posts.

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From a BM perspective, it’s not so much that the changes to Dark Ranger are bad, they are overall good (imo) and a buff DPS-wise.

The strange part is that the coinciding changes to the spec trees (unintentionally?) made it so the (relatively) unchanged Pack Leader is better in pretty much every situation in PvE. My understanding is the same is true IRT Sentinel for MM. Whether you think that’s a good or a bad thing is purely subjective.

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To summarize for people who don’t know yet, Dark Ranger may be cooler and look cooler than it was, but numbers wise it isn’t recommended in any situation in both Single Target and Aoe, it does have better pure Aoe than Pack but at too big of a single target damage loss, so yeah unless something changes its DOA except for just all purpose having fun in open world builds

Edit: I can even sustain higher AoE dmg on the 5 target dummies with Pack Leader than DR, feelsbadman


This is a post by someone who saw a sim and ran to cry lol.
Try actually playing it, before you complain.

The marksman is so bad people are laughing at it in the discord and the wowhead guy didnt even post a build … I have been waiting 20 years for this spec since league on the old frozen throne games this sucks …


Went looking for a build… couldnt find one for Dark Ranger.

that tells me the PTR guys gave up on it… i would play it for fun cause the idea of it is cool. but i have have so many hours in the day.

very disapointed


A legit Statler and Waldorf moment?

Just make one yourself.
Why do you need someone else to tell you what you may or may not enjoy on a video game your paying to play.

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yep no one plays dark ranger, it’s horrid

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why should dark ranger be better? i want to play pack leader

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this comment proves its own point lol


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No shade… but have you played this game long? If you are playing for solo content i would somewhat agree with you. Hunter has been my main since this game started. I always come back to him and remember times in this game when a hunter could top charts and sucked cow balls. — yes its a video game i love to play, but it is more specifically an mmo where how people feel about a certain class matters.


Did a raid yesterday on my BM hunter. It was ok, better than before. They should leave it at that.

Certain builds are made for a reason as they perform better.

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Ya but the tools that currently tell you whats better is not properly working.
Then you figure it out yourself or wait, i can tell for certainty that DR atleast as MM is more than fine and is prob even preforming worst than it should, due to multiple bugs. however one of the bugs also benefit it, so we will have to see. (but there is no emergency need for devs to come rescue it lol)