Or you could get you dwarf and human to Alberdine, and get a more linear levelling in kaldorei lands. None of that really matter, since an entire faction had no relation with these vilains.
Also, Vanilla had, an elemental lord, two dragons, an old god, a Necromancer, a death god wich is the best way to describle hakkar as vilains. It was like 5 expansions in one.
They were simply throwing content into the game at random. Also because they were shocked by the tremendous success of WOW and didn’t expect it.
This was the only truly “le random” content in Classic.
A Lich, well established in the lore and a face of a faction both Horde and Alliance encounter early enough (South Barrens / Tirisfal / Silverpine / Darkshire).
He gets some setup. About as much as a one patch mega-dungeon but he was only a minor side patch boss anyways.
Side-note to all this - we are comparing DF to one of the lowest points in lore in terms of setup. That’s how bad things look for DF.
I already said that I agree with you that primalist lore is basically a Pokemon team Rocket. They are ridiculous to say the least.
But, about classic lore, it’s pretty confusing. There were many things without any connection, that was my point.
As for your expansion options, I think I know too little about ehtereals to comment, but they’ve never really caught my eye. I would prefer Yrel as an antagonist.
I don’t understand why people keep asking to visit other planets, when Azeroth has immensely richer lore than any random landmass Blizzard would come up with.
Because we’ve been drip-fed lore over decades and want to see it paid off?
Avaloren came out of Danuser’s like 3 months ago or however long ago it was. It has no lore. It’s completely made up. It didn’t even exist in the mind of Metzen, the father of Warcraft.
Balor, Tel’Abim, Plunder Isle and Kezan are yet to be done.
Going straight to Avaloren when we still have the remaining Continents of Balor, Plunder Isle, Kezan and Tel’Abim seems a little hasty to me.
Balor is the realm of the Stormreavers with not much being known about it. I’m sure there is an Ogre Empire on it since Gul’dan’s Ogre Magi worked with the Stormreavers.
K’aresh we’ve known about for years and have more knowledge on so we definitely want to go there before heading over to Avaloren.
She’s gonna be an enemy…shes gone crazy with the lights power aka writers “lets retcon her from promising to help Kadghar fight the legion, to become the lights slave, forcing the light on everyone”. Its sad what they’ve done to wow story…she was such an awesome character and I looked forward to her helping with the legion.
Eastern Kingdoms remade. More worthy of a Light expansion. The most Light-centered continent on Azeroth shouldn’t be robbed off of an expansion story about the Light:
Stormwind and the Church of the Holy Night
Quel’thalas, the Sunwell, and the Blood Knights
The Scarlets
Silver Hand
Turalyon and the Army of the Light
Calia Menethil and the Forsaken
The Draenei and the Naa’ru
The Light of Elune
The Light of An’she
Yrel and the Lightbound
So many groups and personalities we are familiar with that the writers could build an intriguing story on, and yet focus on another strange island that we’ve never seen before?
Maybe Northern Loredaen as well? I’ve always wondered if there is a Vrykrul settlement in the Northern Eastern Kingdoms somewhere. It could be one of their underground crypts that they hibernate in.